Czechoslovak News: In 121 Seconds or Less (USA Edition)

Day 854, 22:51 Published in USA Czech Republic by milestailsprower
The Irony of Me and My Bad Timing Edition

So after posting an article about the situation in America and EDEN, suddenly today is a big day of celebration. This will downplay my article I suppose, and will keep a few in denial that EDEN is awesome. Oh meh.

Here it is btw: THE ARTICLE



4 pages of Chinese stuff...oh and a few awesome other things. 🙂

Also not shown: Fights in China and various training wars

-The USA suddenly decides it wants to attack Hungary and Serbia and help liberate China. They also get some help from the Phillipines. Ok, so it didn't happen yet, but a lot of region swapping seems to suggest that. It's been a while since the USA has gotten so close to Hungary and Serbia.

-South Africa's Northern Cape is won! This will have long term effects, as South Africa will now be able to have a Congress so Phoenix PTOers cannot just come into the country, ask for citizenship, and be automatically granted it. It's make anti-PTO work much harder for sure. Also, South Africa is going to have a lot of high titanium regions in v2, making the liberation of South Africa very important, and this is an important, key victory.

-Finland actually wins in Russia at Leningrad Oblast. But they lose a different battle and lose initiative. It is suggested that the attack on Russia which activated 21 MPPs was a bold attempt to reunite EDEN. It is courageous and requires a lot of trust. It does however make for a dangerous situation, especially since now Russia is on the offensive.

-Slovenia is let through some regions by Italy, who then tried to retreat them to Hungary in order for Hungarians to reach Rhone Alps, Poland to attack it directly. However, resistance wars start up in the to-be land bridge and halt efforts for a while. Quick thinking!

-Hungary attacks Croatia. Directly. Oh gosh...

-The USA and Canada sign MPP pacts with (Czecho)Slovakia. I mention this because it is one of my cooler diplomatic achievements and may also force Hungary to think twice about making a land bridge through us to get to Poland. Yay. 🙂 Instead they'd have to go through the PTOd Czech Republic. Hmm.

Also, Hungary did not want to re-sign an external non-aggression pact with us, so yeah...


Where there's smoke, there's a coup d'etat. Or fire. Either one works. 😉

-South Africa has the ability to run Congress members again. Cool.

-The Czech Republic, without a Congress, is at risk of being permanently political puppet because then, citizenship is automatically given if asked for. Hmm...

-Slovakia faces a PTO threat from a whole bunch of people. Mostly Hungarians though. As Minister of Immigration, can I just say, GET OUT PTOers! Oh, and I'm running in Congress for Slovakia to block a few evil spots from them. Yay to anti-PTOs 😁

-The American president PigInZen vents out a little anger at EDEN nations, saying they take out too much on the USA. They way he explains it makes sense. I support his statement. Also, former president Josh Frost says America should just screw EDEN and quit. I personally hope things can be ironed out, but I am not an EDEN official, so I have no idea of what the situation is. I'll stay quiet.

-Oh, and people run for Congress in other countries. Soooooo important, even when it's vague. Therefore, I am allowed to put this piece of nonsense into my paper.


Good bye good friend! Have fun in [X Country]...Oh you! Good bye good friend, see you in [Y country]...

-People leave the USA. Lots of them. Max McFarland 2, Aeros, and a few others are just a few mentions. This is a slightly disturbing trend. Is America really that unexciting? Yes. Fix it now.

-Slovakia waits in slight anxiety to see if anyone attacks...

Random Lament

I'll say it again, turmoil in USA sucks. It's been going on for a while, and now is the time I burst.

Read this and see.

That is all. But if you want more good stuff subscribe! If you don't like it, PM me some random hate mail...with constructive criticism. 🙂

Prower Power!