CRU-election program// CRU-volebni program

Day 370, 03:11 Published in Czech Republic Slovakia by radim

Dear citizens of Czech Republic
It´s going to election and CRU can win it. If we can win, you must vote us. If you can vote us, you must know our program. Czech Right Union is only one far-right oriented party in eCzech Republic. At last election we have 3 congressmans, but tommorow we like have more congressmans. If we have only three congressmans, we done many good things for this country. For example we have party company and we sale cheap q1 food, we made some ideas to better economical situation, we opened financal advice organisation, we made better food taxes, we are first who used Czech in official documents (another party don´t use it now), proposed first part of Slovakian trade (10 000 SKK-10 golds) and we stop the fire in Czech-Slovaks relations... . Bigger party didn´t more.

Just to congress candidate five parties, but only three biggest can lead this country, but we will like to cooperate with another parties. We aren´t totalitary party, we like hear another opinions.

We will build something as Czech National Bank. It will be organisation with some money (somebody creat organisation and congress donate this organisation some money). Head of organisation will be governor (every president of country can change governor). Organisation can borrow some moneys companies, but only if they have big economical problems and they have idea to their reason. We like low taxes and we don´t like high import taxes, because we think they´re bad for our economy. We don´t support bigger social system.

We will like build some confederation with another countries, if their presidents agree. This countries will sign NAP or MPP. This countries will cooperate with them in defensional politics, in economical politics... (it will be something as EU, NATO, V4, OECD). CRU wish better relation with Slovakia. We will start with him diplomatics relation. We support sell him all SKK.

Give your country to right hand-VOTE CZECH RIGHT UNION !!!!!

BTW: If you like our ideas, you can join us.


Vazeni obcane Ceske Republiky
Blizi se dalsi volby, ktere by nase strana rada vyhrala. Aby jsme vyhrali, musite nas volit. Abyste nas mohli volit, musite znat nas program. Czech Right Union je jedina pravicove orientovana strana v eCeske Republice. V poslednich volbach ziskala nase strana tri kongesmany, ale zitra doufame v lepsi vysledek. Ackoliv mame jen tri kongresmany, dokazali jsme udelat spoustu dobrych veci pro tuto zem. Napriklad mame stranickou firmu a prodavame levne q1 jidlo, sepsali jsme par svych ekonomickych napadu pro zlepseni nasi ekonomiky, otevreli jsme organizaci provadejici financni poradenstvi, vytvorili jsme lepsi dane na jidlo, byli jsme prvni, kdo zacal pouzivat cestinu v oficialnich dokumentech (jine strany ji nepouzivaji ani ted), navrhli jsme prvni cast obchodu se Slovenskem (10 000 SKK-10 gold) a uklidnili jsme napjate vztahy s touto zemi... . Zadna z vetsich stran toho neudelala vic.

Do kongresu kandiduje pet stran, ovsem vect tuto zemi dokazi jen 3 nejvetsi. CRU chce spolupracovat se vsemi stranami. Nejsme totalitni strana a radi si poslechneme jine nazory.

Chteli bychom zalozit neco jako Ceskou Narodni Banku. Jednalo by se o organizaci, ktera by hospodarila s urcitymi penezi (nekdo by zalozil organizaci a kongres by jit poslal nejake penize). Hlavou organizace by byl guverner (ktereho by mohl vymenit kazdy prezident). Organizace by mohla pujcovat penize firmam, ale to pouze v pripade, ze maji vazne ekonomicke potize, ale maji strategii jak z nich ven. Podporujeme nizke dane a nesouhlasime z velkymi importnimi danemi, protoze je povazujeme za skodlive pro nasi ekonomiku. Nechceme velky socialni system.

Radi bychom spolecne s jinymy staty zalozili konfederaci, pokud s tim tedy budou souhlasit i prezidenti jinych zemi. Tyto zeme by spolupracovali v ekonomicke politic, obrane politice... (jednalo by se neco ve stylu EU, NATO, V4, OECD). CRU by chtela lepsi vztahy se Slovenskem. Radi bychom s nimy navazali diplomaticke stiky. Podporujeme odprodej vsech SKK.

Sverte svou zemi do tech pravych rukou- VOLTE CZECH RIGHT UNION !!!!!

BTW: Pokud se vam libi nas program, muzete se k nam pridat.