CrowdedHouse takes out the (ANP) trash!

Day 1,118, 22:43 Published in Australia Australia by Goose Step

Good Afternoon eAustralia,

The more things change, the more they stay the same, and nothing can be more the truth then two clowns with associate themselves with the ANP - DocterDry and Infin.

First we read these two clowns screaming that we should be attacking Indonesia at all costs - with absolutely no thought on strategy.

Then just 24 hours later, it was like they got drunk at the ACP fountain of knowledge and want Australia to be friends with Indonesia!!!

Excuse me gentlemen, but WTF??????

Further more Infin is carrying on like a sore loser. He lost the election to Bowen Eley fair and square, but instead of saying the better person won, he unleashes his personal attack dog in DocterDry (Discrate1) to bring down the government.

A classic example was recently in the senate, when an illegal impeachment was put forward in the game. Our nation's protocol is that there is an automatic NO vote - no questions asked.

However, DocterDry kicked up all kinds of a fuss when there was none needed.
Well gentlemen, enough is enough. Bowen Eley is not perfect, personally I think Wally was better (especially in his first term), but I'm not going to call for his head - I'm going to back him the best way I can.

HOWEVER, there is one thing I will say... Infin, DocterDry....

First DocterDry. You might just be the most selfish and useless citizen this nation has ever known.

Everywhere you go, you kick up a stick, talk everything down, what power for yourself, but offer NOTHING - JACK, ZERO, ZIP, NADA, NOTHING!

I remember when you joined the ERA. For the first month you tried to act nice to get everyone to vote for you as Party President. However, when you discovered you were going to lose to someone else, you cracked it big time - as a result you were KICKED-OUT of the party. (The only ever person to be kicked out of the ERA).

I'm happy with the action the ERA took - Unlike the ANP, when someone gets out of line in our party we tell them to pull their head in, or we will boot them out. When will the ANP have the balls to pull DocterDry into line?

Secondly to Infin. As an older Australian you should have known that you would lose.

It's simple maths really, the ANP needs another top 5 party to endorse their candidate to win - without it, you just do not have the numbers.

As strong as the ANP is, you have this unfortunate knack of alienating everyone outside your party - and Infin it's people like you and your attack dog that is giving the ANP a bad name.

Consider this, even the ERA (without any other party supporting us) managed to get our candidate elected PM - we were small, but we did alienate like the ANP.

Infin until you start mending some bridges with the Centre Aligned parties, you will never be elected PM - you just don't have the numbers and your too gun-ho.

For example - you idea that Australia should fight in every RW - are you CRAZY???? Waste good resources for an against the odds battle.

I'll tell you what will beat Indonesia - smart tactics and timing. Back in the WW cabinet I had an idea of land-swapping with New Zealand using the open training war we had.

If NZ took NSW for an example. Indonesia could not attack it as it would cost gold to decalre war on NZ, then they would lose the Serbian MPP.

However, we could have come back at our choosing by RWing the region from NZ. If Indonesia chased us into NZ, we then go into South America, playing a game of "catch us if you can" with Indonesia.

Did you even think of that tactic Infin or is that set for your next rant?

Finally, to the ANP Leadership - come out and tell this clowns to pull there head in.

I'm CrowdedHouse and I'm challenging Infin for the Prime Minister's position next month.