CrOmega - All about us [EN]

Day 2,198, 02:20 Published in Ireland Ireland by Bad BIue Boys

This article is written for those who would like to become member of CrOmega and those who already are members, we want them to have everything in the one place - this article.
A little outdated Croatia version can be found HERE -> hrvatska verzija, malo zastarjela.

Dear member of CrOmega, I’d like to welcome you in our family if you just came, if you’re already member then make sure you do read all of this, if needed several times. If you’re planning to join then make sure you do know what kind of MU you’re joining.
In this article you can find absolutely everything you need to know about us.

1. Requirements to become a member of CrOmega:


IRC channel is the place where we’re all gathering, all eRepublik players who wanted to explore this part of the game, our channel is #cromega. Considering it’s invite-only channel you have to join our public channel #cromegaland first. You can join that channel by pressing this LINK. Once you’re approved on #cromega you can easily join by pressing this LINK.

When you join us on IRC it would be good if you could register your nickname, you have to do that only once and after that everything is more easier. How to do it? You can find out by reading this TUTORIAL.

Beside registering on IRC we’d advise you to install Chatzilla. It’s a great add-on and it really makes your IRCing better and easier. You can set up preferences and make sure you join channels automatically, it also automatically identify your nickname and many other things. How to install chatzilla? You can find out by using this LINK


Another requirement and the last one too. You have to wear our avatar. It’s really really easy to create one specially designed for you. Only thing you must do is opening this PAGE and upload the picture you’d like to have inside our frame. You can choose between Croatian and Irish modification of our glorious frame.

This is our logo.


CrOmega is a MU originally made for raising new players into strong soldiers, in the beginning we’ve been only D1-2 MU, but now we’re already MU for all divisions. Our philosophy of playing is kinda simple, we believe in our moto: “Don’t give people fish, learn them how to catch one”. By this, we mean on supplies, we just don’t give them, we make sure our members have enough knowledge to learn how to make enough money to buy weapons for themselves. Of course, we award our most active players with symbolic award every day.

Our goal is to build strongest D3 MU in the eWorld, but also strong D4 MU and in the meantime raise and prepare new players to get involved in our MU. Our most important moto is “We grow together” ; that means that with your development you’re helping develop CrOmega, that’s the only thing we want from you, to develop yourself. Once we become strong D3 MU then we’ll be able to decide about outcome of the battles and contribute our countries and allies more then we’re able at this point.

How to play “smart” in D1-2?

1. Do only 2 clicks - work and train ; DON’T FIGHT
2. Find out about every possible way to make some money
3. Have fun playing this


So, it maybe sounds stupid when someone in the war game like this one tell you not to fight, but while fighting you’re gaining a lot of expirience points and you’ll very soon reach Division 2. Why that isn’t so good? In lower divisions you have possibility to win Battle Hero medals easily, that means you can make an extra money and build some important stock of gold. With that stock you’ll be able to upgrade your training grounds, build companies or invest that money to make more.

Until you improve masively your account your damage doesn’t mean almost nothing on the battlefield and one point you’ll maybe win in the battle won’t mean nothing for the battle, you won’t decide it. Use your low level only to make money for yourself, don’t think about anyone else yet, or if you want, think about your country, think how strong you’ll become and how impressive your damage will be once you become strong in lower division. Make sure you have at least 5000 strenght before reaching D2 or at least 20 000 strenght until your reach D3, everything else isn’t good enough.

As CrOmega member you’re not obligated to fight in any battle, except when we’re organising coordinated strike, but even then you can say “Hey, I’m just 2-clicker” and it’ll be fine. We won’t stop you from hunting BH medals, it’s your way to make money and develop yourself, we’ll even advice your where you can catch your medals with some low damage.

How to get Battle Hero medal as soldier of lower divisions? WITH ROCKETS! Don’t fight with your health, it gives your expirience and low damage, fight with rockets instead, with two rockets you can win BH in D1, with two rockets and few health you can win BH medals in D2 once you build yourself strong account.

How to build rockets? First you need rocket factory, you can build it by pressing “my places”, rocket factory is that fourth tab, “advanced buildings”. Our advice is to build rocket factory before everything else, it provides you possibility to make more golds and build everything else. After building rockets you should build training grounds, start with the free one, upgrade it on 4-stars as soon as you make enough golds. Make sure you wait for 45% discounts Admin gives us every month. You can save up a lot of money that way.

What Training Center to build first? First build free one on q4, then depending on what do you prefer strenght (in this case build 1,79g one) or money (in this case build 0,19 one). The last one you should build is the one which costs you 0,79 when you train. Another very important thing about training grounds is training contract. It costs you 50 golds and then you have 90% discount when training. You can save up a lot of money if you usually use all four training grounds. Once you build all of them and start training with them make sure you buy training contract.


There’s several ways you can make money in eRepublik. Even though that should be investing in your companies it actually isn’t. The only profitable company to build is Aluminium Mine (it costs 10 golds), but I advise you that not before reaching D3 because it give you expirience if you work in it.

First two ones are definatly by “playing” on Monetary Market and by smuggling products, everything about making money through Monetary Market you can read HERE

We’ll explain you smuggling products once you join us, on our channel, it would be pity if everyone does that, we’d lose a lot of profit.

The third way to make money is by voting things through Voters Club, that’s one of the easiest way to make money, you just have vote things and you get paid for it. You can register on Voters Club HERE. Registration is kinda simple. You should recieve money at the end of every week.

I suggest you also to hit “like” on eRepublik page on Facebook, you can often find out about what Admins are going to do there, every mission raise the price of the weapons, if you buy weapons before missions you’ll pay it cheaper then you’d pay it during those mission, on the other hand you’ll make nice profit if you sell those weapons during the missions.


This game is all about fun. It is a game afterall. It’s actually huge fun to help your community, to help your party, your Military Unit or your country. There’s many ways you can do it, I promise you’re gonna love it. Before everything else, start using IRC, you’ll meet many people there and everything will be easier. That’s where this game is really played at, that’s where you can communicate faster and simplier.


CrOmega encourages its members to be active, there’s several ways you can be active in your community and I’ll try to name some of them..

You like to write? Write articles, it can be some analyze, it can be your opinion about something which happened in eRepublik, it can be an interview with some country leader, it can be describing your gaming expirience, you can write about jokes, you can put pictures of hot girls, whatever you like, whatever you think people would like to read about. Make sure you write about eRepublik, not some RL topics, also, make sure it has sense and it’s something you know it’s true or it happened.

Apply for ambassador position. You can become an ambassador very easy, just check who’s current Minister of Foreign Affairs and send him a message you’d like to apply for ambassador position in your country. As ambassador you become very important to your country, but the more important thing is that work you’ll have to do as ambassador will teach you about many aspects of this game, especially foreign relations, military and economy, you will meet many new people and have more fun. Most important, you’ll learn how this game works. As ambassador you’re also representing CrOmega and our expectations are high, you have to do your work as a good ambassador suppose to.

You like politics? Join some party, we don’t care which one. What’s important is that you like your party enough to activate there. Give your opinion, stand up for what you think it’s important, become a congressman once you have enough knowledge. With your activities in your party you’re also representing CrOmega and we’ll give our best to make your job easier, we’ll all back you and we’ll give 100% of ourselves to help you, but you must represent your party with dignity and pride.


Coordinated strikes
CrOmega is organising meeting and hanging out every night around 11:00 erep time, make sure you be there, meet your comrades and sometimes in coordination with others help some of our allies.

Donations for CrOmega
We’re organising donations every Friday, we call it “Donations on Friday”. You can donate money and other stuff by sending them on this LINK. We’ll use it to help our new members, to raise training centers of the most active ones or to supply our members with some weapons. Of course donations are on volounteer base and you don’t have to send them, but we’d appreciate that.

As CrOmega member you’ll be included in CrOmega group PM thread, you’ll recieve messages and informations, basicly all important stuff related to CrOmega.

MoD Orders
Now it’s already traditionally, we have our specific comment we sometimes post on MoD orders article in eCroatian media, we’ll start it in eIreland too as soon as those article start to get published. Our comment is “Ω7”. Make sure you join us in spamming press.

CrOmega - Protectors of eMexico, eChile and eBrazil!
"Rastimo zajedno"

Last words, but not the least important..

I wish you much luck and long staying in CrOmega, until the end of your eLife, we wish you luck to contribute your community and always have eCroatia and eIreland in your heart and have those two countries on the first place.

With your behaviour anywhere, on #itrade channel, on Monetary market, in your comments, in your party, in congress, absolutely everyhere you're representing CrOmega, make sure you represent your MU with pride, with dignity and respect, be fair to everyone, don't lie, be honest, be hounourable..

CrOmega Commander,
Don Croata