Croatia, Forgive Us.

Day 848, 14:34 Published in Croatia USA by Joe Newton

As you undoubtedly already know, you guys are awesome. As you also probably know, the United States has sinned against our first love, Croatia. Believe what you wish about how it happened, lack of communication, rogue JCS, Alien star ships, or Emerick. Whatever you wish to believe. That's alright.

What I do desire for you to know beyond a shadow of a doubt however, is that the United States loves you and stands with you, forever. There may well be events in which we trip up and fail you, but we will rectify it. We will stand strong and fight along side the mighty Croatian army again, and again, and again.

The United States will not rest until your faith in us is restored. Let this be the first step.
Also, I'd like to apologize for any and all American trolling in your media. This is contrary to the popular opinion in America, as real Americans love you. The Flag will fly again, I promise you.

Hail Croatia!
Hail USA!
Hail EDEN!

“Diplomacy is the art of letting someone have your way.” - Daniele Vare" alt>

- Newton, Director of Departmental Communications