Crawling Chaos for President of eJapan!

Day 798, 13:04 Published in Japan Japan by Crawling Chaos

I have been a citizen of eJapan for 7 months now. Long enough to see a steady improvement, a nation coming into it’s own in terms of power and regional influence. We are now a voice in Asia that will be heard, when 7 months ago that was not so. Our military is expanding to meet our foreign policy needs, when 7 months ago it was barely populated or funded. Our economy has blossomed into a manufacturing hotspot over the course of the past 7 months. Our alliances have been tested and reinforced. We have come so far, but we still have hard work in front of us.

I believe that eJapan must hold fast to the vision of Asia First, a united Asian alliance and true independence from the ongoing struggles of Phoenix and EDEN. We must reassure our allies that we value their friendship, and we must work to build new partnerships outside of the EDEN/Phoenix dynamic. We must continue to build our economy in a way that supports both business owners as well as workers, while seeking to increase government income in order to fund government programs without endangering our reserves. We must work together to achieve our common goal: a strong nation that is independent.

eJapan is fast becoming one of the most influential countries in Asia.

Lately I believe that we have lost our path. That we have become too concerned with appearances rather than results. That inaction has become the rule, and that our progress is stagnating.
I believe in these ideals that I speak of here and have spoken of in previous articles. I hold a deep commitment to this country, and for these reasons I am running for the office of President of eJapan.

I will be seeking the nomination of the Godzilla Party via the forums. All Godzilla Party members are invited to vote for the candidate of their choice. If I do not win the Godzilla Party nomination, I will stand down and support the choice of the party.

One important campaign promise that I want to make immediately is that I will not be engaging in any negative campaigning. We saw some of that in the past election and I feel that it is distasteful and only serves to further polarize eJapan. I will be running this campaign based on the strength of the Godzilla platform and ideals, there will be no personal attacks or anything of that sort.

Together we can all work to make eJapan truly independent. I invite every citizen of eJapan to join me in making that dream a reality.