CPM: This Week in the eCanadian Economy (Day 694)

Day 694, 19:41 Published in Canada Canada by Addy Lawrence

Thank you for your patience!!! I will get back into my routines over the next two days, its been painful without my computer, having to steal moments at the computers of friends and family. Its good to be back!!!

Canadian Economy

The population of eCanada declined rebounded to 4,921 after dropping three straight weeks (4,637 v 4,775 v 4,976). It is nice to see this rebound, particularly as the eUS continues to grow and has moved into number one with a population of over 20,000. I put it to our government to foster continued population growth, lower taxes would invite immigrants, there are other options as well.

Unemployment dropped (40.4% v 42.5😵, which is impressive considering the population grew, this is a great net change. Employment creates product which creates wealth, I look forward to our export figures increasing over the coming weeks.

There were 29 new companies created in eCanada over the last 10 days bringing the total to 755, one company for every five people, eesh!! There is some waste going on here.

The average salary dropped $0.40 from $7.63 to $7.20 which is a bit of foreshadowing to our inflation figure. The decline in salary isn't nearly as large as the deflation but at least its consistent. Product and commodity markets are very competitive and this is leading to more competitive wages to remain profitable.

The GDP dropped substantially, coming in at 833.84 gold versus 2,637.71 last week. After doubling in the three weeks previous, this would appear to be the bust following the boom, a correction. Look for the economy to rebound next week.

Monthly exports amounted to 123.96 gold while imports totalled 45.29 gold leaving a trade balance of 78.67 gold. It would be nice to get that export figure up, particularly with employment up and the population up. Accessing foreign markets will take competitive pressures of the domestic market and generate more wealth for eCanada. Personally, I advocate a licensing subsidy from the government equal to half the cost of an export license for proven business operators. You will see this as part of my campaign platform for congress in October.

eCanada experienced deflation of 49.7% (incredible!) versus deflation of 6.1% last week. This is a correction, it will bottom out next week.

It is great to see some war returning to eCanada, this will spur things along. Unfortunately, I do not see it as being sustained at this point so the economy will be eratic. Look for GM's to find dry ground this week and stay there. Wages will likely drop again next week and deflation will move toward zero.

Who's your daddy? Addy's your daddy!!!