Constantly acting in your interests

Day 488, 04:34 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by SKQ62

Friends, neighbours,

Please read my manifesto from last time:

I don't want to bore you with the same points as last time.

Nothing much has changed in my interests and aims for the region, though situations have changed. Yet I have adapted with them:
- I have continually worked with the NHS as much as I can, gifting new members with my own money or that of the Assembly when the clinic was running low.
- I have attempted to provide rousing speeches and a figurehead for the regional battles (though actual credit must go to Lee Richards for the battle details)
- I continue to run and spearhead the successful East Midlands Assembly that I created for you, the people, over a month ago.

My bottom line is this, friends. You know me. You know how reliable I am, how approachable I am, and how (in my opinion) I am the very best for this role. A vote for me is a vote for the continuing growth and development of our great region. Think how the region has developed and grown in the last 10 weeks or so. That was my doing, and I intend to continue the trend.

Vote SKQ62, under the TUP