Congressional Race in TN

Day 490, 18:10 Published in USA Romania by Donovanator

I am the current Congressman from TN. I am running for re-election against Jewitt, a former TN Congressman. I have learned alot in my time in Congress, and my current platform is much more detailed than the last one. I think you can apply conservative principles to eRep as is reflected in my platform:

You could say I am an accountability hawk, because Congress has been guilty of writing blank checks, and considering they doubled your income tax, they should have gotten a handle of how to control spending long before now.

From his platform:

"I am what some call "Jewittist," though I just call it "Functionalist." I look at the game as it is: A game. I have worked with the top economic, tactical, and political minds in the eNation to try to find a way to make the eUSA as efficient as possible. I see things how the game presents them: Dollar value does not relate to worker wealth domestically, foreign trade is difficult, though protectionism will not cause severe economic recession, and above all else, the governments made up of two bodies and only two: Executive and Legislative. I will work to further push this functionalist agenda by finding a more efficient, number-crunching way to use the functions and mechanics of the game to best of our nation's ability. "

During his last term he supported PANEC, in fact was one of the archetects of it "...and negotiated and figured the values of the controversial PANEC Taxes". Meanwhile, he offers his employees a means to avoid paying taxes...from his company employment page.

"At Elijah's, we understand that the government's 20% income tax could be difficult, especially if 1/5 of your paycheck means the difference between that nice new house, or just having enough change at the end of the day. Would it not be nice to return to the good ol' days, when we only had a 10% tax? Introducing the newest Employee Benefit: The Work Now, Pay Later Plan (WNPL)!

Well, since Jewron Incorporated is ran by Jewitt, he has instituted a program to where that is all you have to pay; 10%. "

Given that, it is not hard to assume he is also avoiding taxes as a business owner. That is very smart as a ebusinessman, very much 'functionalist'. But as a Congressman who advocated and supported PANEC and still does, it is what I would call being a hypocrite. I am completely against PANEC, and the way they raised taxes without getting spending under control first, but I do not try to avoid taxes...that might make me a so so ebusinessman, but I rather be that instead of a hypocritical/functionalist we can see that the new 'functionalist' is the old political 'hypocrite'.

Also in Jewitts platform:

"Our economy is among one of the healthiest in the world, no matter what some politicians try to fear you into. How do I know? What authority do I have? I am one of eight people which have the sole duty to watch, chart, and take note of the economy and its shifts. I often compare ours to other nations and I must say: The eUS's Economy is far superior to nearly every other one on the e-Planet with few exceptions."

Yet, from Alphamega3's, a constituent's, recent news article:

"Since March 3, the eUSA GDP has shrunk 27% and when compared based on GDP per person, we are 20th in the world. "

So to summarize, my opponent for TN Congressman lives in Florida, is a tax, excuse me, 'functionalist', and as an expert on the economy thinks a 27% drop in GDP and being ranked 20th in the world in GDP/person means our "...economy is far superior to nearly every other..."

So the choice is clear TN. Vote for me and keep a conservative voice in Congress, vote for Jewitt and you put a eFloridian whose power base is the Economic Council, not the TN voters, who will advocate higher taxes at the same time he avoids paying them and has no clue as to what the voters concerns are.

Oh yea, one other reason to vote for me. If I win, Jewitts still keeps his voice and job in the Economy Council, but there is a conservative voice to counterbalance him...if Jewitt wins, it silences the TN conservative voice, and I am out of a job and no one to counter Jewitt.

So Vote for Me, and Keep your Conservative Voice in TENNESSEE...Vote for DONOVANATOR...but God's sake, if you cannot vote for me, at least VOTE on March 25 (tomorrow)