Congressional Platform

Day 761, 16:39 Published in United Kingdom USA by Blanemcc

Greetings voters.

I will be running for Congress in Scotland for the December 25th - January 25th term.

My platform will be kept simple, and relatively brief:

- I was born in the eUS. However, I am Scottish. I have since returned home to serve my real life country.

- I served 1 term in the eUS Congress, as Senator for Georgia.

- If elected, I have plans to do a complete over-haul on taxes, including new import tariffs and VAT which will allow our government to generate funds more effectively.

- If elected, I plan on working with top military officials in working to make our armed forces more efficient, both in terms of damage output, and cost. My plans are relatively simple, and will be explained in the near future.

As I said, a short and sweet platform. I hope that the briefness of it allows the reader to understand my ideas and policies, brief as they are.

Vote Blanemcc in Scotland.


List of BEP candidates for the Dec 25th-Jan 25th congressional term