Congressional Bid for September

Day 663, 19:12 Published in USA USA by Angel of Music

Why hello there. I'm the Angel of Music -- or, if you prefer, Matt. I'm a member of the US Green Party, and I'm going to be running for Congress in these coming elections in Louisiana.

Why exactly am I running, you might ask? That's a rather easy question to answer: I personally believe that I can contribute positively to reuniting this country's fifty states and once again making it into one of the world's most powerful nations. It's that simple. No hidden agendas, no secret lust for power, just a desire to make this country what it once was and what it has the potential to be once again.

So yes -- I am a member of the Green Party. Which means, since the USGP is not a top 5 party, I will be running in the United Independents Party for the duration of the elections, at the conclusion of which I will be returning to the Green Party.

(By the way the Green Party's awesome, you can check out our site here, and our wiki here.)

Why exactly should you, good people of Louisiana, vote for me, though? What exactly do I believe?

1. First of all, I don't personally believe that political parties are a good idea. At times they can be helpful, for some things they may be necessary, and sure, it is nice to be able to be able to be in a group of people who share your beliefs. But for the most part, all political parties do is create unnecessary division within a nation. While I was not part of the game, I hear that prior to World War III, the eUSA was quite divided by inter-party bickering. As we can see by events during the war, the greatest things are always achieved by unity. Once we learned to look past one's party, that's when things started to go well, when we found a true American spirit within us that simply could not be defeated.

And so, I will always be a proponent of reaching out to other parties and working together. However, as this game is apparently biased against those who should prefer to not associate themselves with any political party (silly game mechanics!), I shall remain faithfully with the Green Party -- as they do seem to share my general beliefs for how this game should best be played. And they're pretty awesome anyway.

2. I'm also a major proponent of government transparency. By nature, I tend to be at least a bit suspicious of anything 'secret'. I definitely think that a nation's citizens need to be involved in a nation's governance, and so I, if elected, will work to make sure that you, the citizens of the eUSA, are kept informed of what's going on in your government. Of course, the only exception to this is in matters related to national security. Unfortunately, there's no way to control information once it's reached the general public, and important information getting into the hands of our enemies is definitely not a good idea.

3. As far as foreign policy, I will always be a major supporter of helping our allies. After all, if it weren't for them, there definitely would be no America right now. I don't think anyone can deny that.

4. While some might say that I'm rather new to this game, I find that somehow I've managed to pick up information rather quickly and am rather sure that I already know considerably more than a lot of people who have been here longer than I. Past that, I'm willing and excited to learn more about the how the game works to fill in the gaps that exist in my knowledge.

5. I am and will remain deeply patriotic to our country, no matter what happens. Even if the nation is completely destroyed or some other terrible thing happens, I will remain, working to eventually bring it back with a vengeance. I'll be here, no matter what.

Anyway, I don't think there's really much else to say-- OH RIGHT

tl;dr? Here's basically my entire platform summed up into one lovely user-friendly YouTube video 😉