Congress, then the Presidential!

Day 1,648, 14:15 Published in Canada United Kingdom by Nishorgo Mostofa

Hey there guys!
I would like to say about the elections coming up that, please vote for me to be Primeminister, These are my targets:
1. Conquer England, (real life region of england) or if the english have run off to somewhere else, then that region too!
2. Start, making hungary, naturall enemy, they dont deserve it!
3. Make Job's wages more or tax less!
4. Make ecanada's population more, and make the party's a more equal kind of well way. (So it's not just EPIC that always wins presidantial elections, so i will have to raise the other party populations!
So on the 5/06 2012 please vote for NISHORGO MOSTOFA as President of your country!thanks!
(will be taking part in the elections as soon as come up, most chance for me to be on second page! THANKS!