Congress Manifesto- Nova scotia

Day 605, 09:29 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by duke winter

As the british troops set foot in canada and set the land aflame the leaders have either scutteld under rocks and attempted to surevive the purges, fled like the cowards they are, many have remained to be shot like rats in a barrel. So who is left? No-one of the old regime. So what of the new? what does britain have to offer?

I stand as a strong willing experianced individual.

I have previously been: Deputy Govornor of the centeral bank of austria
Deputy Finance minister(austria)
Special advisor on constitutional reform(Czech republic)
Ambassador to the UK(Cech republic)
Ambassador to austria(phillipines)
Ambassador to hungary(phillipines)

I am a memeber of the British royal guards

I have also been a congress member twice, once in austria and once in the czech republic so i am definatly experianced.

Well my policies

Conversion- I belive in bringing nova scotia in british society, it should not be an outsider or a colony, i belive in time it should be a unified part of britain, it's people should see themselves as british. Some people claim it is canadian, well canda is fallen and britain has taken Nova scotia, live and let live, britain deserves a slice of the pie.

Economics- I belive in moderatly low tax, i like low tax becuase goods are cheaper and there is more choice but there is the reality of goverment funds, so low taxes shoudl go up a bit to give the goverment some money to play around with but not to much.

Health- Before the capture of Nova Scotia all regions in Britain had a 3-star hospital minimum, i belive Nova scotia deserves this right and i will be lobbying for it. I am a realist though not a 4-star or 5-star, they would be nice but we must have both feet on the ground before we reach for the stars.

Military- I belive that every citizen should join the military. The military should have(and does) have regular training wars and this should carry on. I would like to see more weapons giving to the military to use becuase there is a limited supply.

Diplomacy-I belive that we should have an aggresive but realistic foriegn policy that realises our limits but at the same time realises our strength and ability. We shoudl have more mpp's but also more territory gain. I belive in telling the truth however much people don't like it. I belive that we shoudl caputure one or two regions forom ireland. I do'nt belive it would happen if i was elected but i would do my best.

I am standing for te UKRP becuase i belive it is an honest and respectable party. I am not a fan of serious party politics and in the future i may change party but i promise you this, i will not change party in the middle of a term of congress becuase it is dishonest.

I think i have said everything but if you have any questions contact me.
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