Congress Elections Dec. 25th

Day 760, 14:33 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Griffinite

Greetings eUK,

The next congressional elections are to be held on December 25th, and I hope for this to be my first experience of congress. People may have more favour towards more experienced canditates, although you have no idea how well I will perofrm until I manage to get the position successfully. I'll have to start somewhere, anyway. Again, my inexperience in these matters will mean that I won't be able to make any big changes, but I do hope to make some kind of difference. Here is a general outline to what I hope to make headway in if I am successful in my candidature:

Economy - At the moment, tax rates on most, if not all products are some of the highest in the eWorld, this needs to be changed to keep a stable economy.

Military - If the eUK was to make alliances with more countries, invasions to the country, especially regions captured overseas will be under less threat.

At the moment my goals are few, as it means that I am able to stick to them more easily and I will have an easier introduction to Congress. Thank you for reading, and I hope you vote for me in the congress elections for London. Merry Christmas.