Congress Elections Coming Soon- What's It All About?

Day 1,067, 21:54 Published in New Zealand United Kingdom by deVillefort

It's that time of the month again! The second big test of our new country is upcoming, can we have a PTOer free congress team for next month?

Fionia and the ATO team have been working very hard over the last few days, sorting out blockers, voters and primaries. But what is this all about? And why do you have to vote for a party which you may not want to voter for?

It's all to do with our ATO effort, Anti-Take-Over. We are a new country and for our first month we have what is known as Open Citizenship. This means that anyone, from any existing country can come over and get citizenship. This then allows them to vote, join a party, run for congress etc. Once we have elected a congress, the open citizenship will end and people will then have to apply for citizenship and await being accepted into the country.

It is in some people's interest to get control of eNewZealand and use it to benefit themselves, robbing the treasury, charging high taxes etc. So they may attempt to try and get a congressman elected on the 25th that will then allow them to get citizenship even after the open-citizenship has ended. In the run-up to the Country President elections, this congressman will then be able to allow voters in, which can vote for a CP candidate representing them, thus performing a perfect Take-Over. Mostly referred to as a PTO.

So that's how he did it!

To prevent this from happening in our country, we decided that it would be much better if all our voters would vote for the same candidates on the actual voting day, this way it would be harder for the PTOers to win. We held a vote on the forums to decide which candidates we would run (I tied for the last spot and got kicked out due to my lower XP!), and we then got our 40 candidates. For a list of these lucky candidates here is the article from Kiwi Control.

In addition to this we also run Blockers. These are citizens who will be running to stop PTOers from running.
Any candidates that are not running under the New Zealand Union Party are blockers
We need as many blockers as possible to have enough fill the top 5 parties. If you can help with blocking in these upcoming elections you can PM me (my name's up at the top), and I'll reply to you with more details.

So in summary then:
1.We need you to vote New Zealand Union Party
2. If you can, please sign up to be a blocker
3. Make sure your online at some point on the 25th to use your vote!

And as for you PTOers

We're ready for you!

Thanks for reading please vote and sub! The NZ Newspaper Awards have now been moved to an org.

That is all,