Congress Elections Approach

Day 1,460, 07:27 Published in USA USA by portcolumbus

That Time of the Month Is Back

Oh how much I do love election season. This will be the first month in quite some time that I will not be running. I made a promise to the voters that if I won my 3rd straight term last October, then I would not seek a 4th one this time around. This is no time for me to revoke my promise, and that is why I will not be appearing on the ballots of anyone this time around. Three consecutive election wins in Missisippi, now my favorite eRegion for the fact I have served all my terms in Congress from this grand ol' state. I was hoping I could pass the torch to someone like Cody Caine and let him have MS this time, but he is out of the country working hard in AUS, and so I'll leave him to his work there. His Hickory Hill estate is fine in-case anyone is wondering, just wish all those pesky kids would quit tripping me when I want by them. 🙂

Pizza & Congressionals

As we all know, about 5 days ago, Pizza the Hut "liberated" the National Conservative Party (NCP) away from the previous ATO of the party in October. This could be described as one of his greatest victories yet, if anyone keeps score around here. Some people are now worried that if he gets people into Congress this time around, we'll have enemy players being let in by NCP winners. I would certainly like to believe we could avoid having anyone in the next session of Congress bypassing the IES process. Regardless, this is sure to be a fun election season.


I hope you all plan to vote on Election Day, and make your voices heard. In our fine nation, we have the ability to attain anything we seek through hard work, and I see nothing but the best for the eUS and its people in the coming months. It surely will get worse before it gets better, but make no mistake, it will get better at one time or another. Stay positive, stay beautiful, stay American. Together, all things are possible.

eUS Congressman