Congress candidature

Day 827, 12:41 Published in Hungary Romania by ivictoras

Hello everyone,

In the morning I thought at something: “What if I’ll run for congress ?”. I packed my stuff and I have moved into Burgenland and signed on the congress list in Magyar Hazafiak Partja.

I don’t want to bore you about my elife. If you’re interested, you’ll find details here.

What I promise I’ll do?
I’m half-orthodox and half-catholic and my name is Alekszandr(after the orthodox calendar, my name day is tomorrow, February 25, and after the catholic one, the day after tomorrow, February 26), so I will be celebrate tomorrow my congress candidature and, if I’m lucky, the day after tomorrow my first congressman medal.

What if I manage to celebrate both achievements???
- I’ll be an active member of the congress;
- I’ll take responsible decisions that are in the interests of Hungary;
