Congratulations to USA and Canada for retaking their country

Day 710, 05:14 Published in USA Hungary by Feherlofia Koppany

Yesterday, both USA and Canada gained all of her regions back. It was a long way for these countries, since the beginning of the North-America campaign of PEACE, which was started by the epic Nova Scotia battle.

During the summer, Canada was erased from the map and the USA was in the gate of the total annihillation either.

We always admired the endurance and faith of Canada, which missed the oportunism and they fought hard even in hopeless situations either. After a long occupation, this kind of noble behaviour was fruitful and at the 709th day of the New World, Canada obtained back her full sovereignty and we have to make a deep bow to the steadiness of the Canadian people.

Also, I would like to express our appreciation to the people of the USA, who showed endless will even in the darkest hours of the state and with a great imporovement in organisation they were able to recover the full country.

In the last week, Hungary and the USA had hard battles for the last regions, but with the help of her great allies the USA was proven better on the battlefield.

Here, I would like to say thank you all of our allies, who was helped us in these severe battles and I would like to congratulate to the EDEN forces for the impressive shows on the battleground.

Well done, well played.

Yours sincerely,


MoFA of Hungary