Congrats from Russia!

Day 636, 07:47 Published in Indonesia Russia by sanchoyz

Several Russian citizens (including me, I'v got double citizenship 🙂 want to congratulate you, but not all of them know english well enough, so they just join to these congratulations:

"Dear Indonesian friends! I, as citizen of eRussia, would like to congratulate you on your Independence Day. I cannot express in words what an honor it is for us to have you as our comrades — both economical and military. I wish you a fun celebration, I can only imagine how wild your parties are in real life if you party so hard online 😉

Best wishes,
Anton Delvig."

"To the President of Indonesia, Congressmen, the Presidents of the parties, and all citizens.
Dear friends,
Let me warmly congratulate you on Independence Day.
We can not fail to mention as a good sign of improving relations between our two countries to the efforts being made by both sides. We are pleased to initiatives in establishing educational, scientific, academic, military and cultural contacts between our countries.
These factors reinforce our hope that relations between our countries will continue to be ever more fruitful and constructive cooperation.
We are optimistic welcome Russian club organization in Indonesia, and hope that it will become the meeting place of the living representatives of our states, and hospitable home, which will be in an atmosphere of trust and mutual respect of meeting of our citizens.
We believe that this center will be interested to get acquainted and mutual enrichment of cultures of East and West.
The confidence we built not just happen. We have good experience of cooperation in military and diplomatic actions.
Let me once again cordially congratulate you on Independence Day and wish you all the benefits in strengthening the relations between our countries."


Also, war and actions of PEACE GC is a very popular topic in international press. So USA states, controlled by Indonesia, got a lot of advantages, and almost all of them are already mentioned. I just want to add one more, in my opinion, the most important for common citizens (not presidents or moguls) - one more reason to have lots of fun. It's the second Independence Day in these states this summer.

Have Fun!

Russian Ambassador to Indonesia,
The minister of Culture and Education of Russia,
eRussian Club Party President.