Confessions: In the eyes of Astra Kat G

Day 773, 08:28 Published in USA Belgium by Manong Rizal
5 Topics, 5 Answers!

Manong: Was there a time when you were at the moment of attacking somebody to hurt them?
Anonymous: yes, there was...

Manong: Did you ever steal from the organization?
Anonymous: That is a misleading question... And no, I will not answer it.

Manong: Will you ever trust others again? Is there any way that you can define trust now?
Anonymous: No! I will not, never will I ever trust anyone again...

(That was just an intro... XP)
CONFESSIONS: In the eyes of...

In life and in this virtual life, we experience many problems and many hurdles in our way. The differences between us greatly divide our bonds and force us to overlook our similarities. Understanding, the easiest thought yet the most difficult task, has been disregarded again and again.

Divine neglect or human neglect... whatever is it... I really do not know. But I do know one thing: that although faced with great challenges and problems, some of us, with all our spirits, hearts, and lives, fight for what we think is right.

Astra Kat G is one of the many people here in the world and the eWorld, but unlike most of us, she tries to do what is best for herself, her nation, and her people.

Let us see her confessions and her elife... In the eyes of Astra Kat G.

You were a political frontrunner for the Green Party and probably one of the most prominent women here in the eUSA... How do you see yourself as a politician and as a public figure? Do you feel that your plights in politics, past, future, and present can be termed as a "calling" or just for the experience of doing something like this? Please elucidate as well.

I consider myself a public figure now, yes, and I think it's nice to be somewhat famous in various corners of the New World! I take this responsibility very seriously and always try to speak my mind and be as honest, informative, and forthright as possible with people who look up to me and seek guidance from me. Honestly, however, even after three successful terms in Congress before I decided to take a break, I still don't see myself as a politician

You see, I've never been interested in politics in real life and it shows here in eRep in my dealings with certain individuals more adept at party politics or seeking political office for personal gain. I've never traded political favors or attempted to deceive someone or done negative campaigning/mudslinging or gotten involved in partisanship like you'd expect of politicians and I typically don't get along well with this element in eRep politics at all. Thankfully, you don't need to do any of that to advance in politics on eRep... you just need to be an intelligent, patient, hard working individual willing to work with others and keep an open mind concerning others' points of view. Admittedly, if you don't tow the party line in certain aspects of the nation's current war policy, you will probably not find certain doors open to you in the President's cabinet or other higher office appointments, but that's fine with me.

I think my call to politics here could be termed a "calling" for me, because I took it very seriously. I originally ran for office because the current Vice President (coincidentally enough, he's Vice President again right now) PigInZen asked me to strongly consider Congress. I resisted at first, not sure how much time I'd be able to devote to it due to my real life, but I found myself inexplicably drawn to Congress. I wanted to help my country, which was down to one region at the time, and this seemed to me a great way to get involved. And it was. So I'm grateful I've had this chance to help eUSA.

Knowing, of course, that you are a woman... Were there any criticisms of or to you regarding gender? I believe that gender is not a viable factor and should not be used to discriminate against other people; however, knowing that there are people in our society that do not share my or our views (perhaps), what can you say to those who feel that women are inferior to men? And what can you say to those women who are aspiring to rise in this game?

Surprisingly, there weren't any criticisms of me based upon my gender and I'm grateful for that. Of course, because of my gender, I was constantly fending off men who were either trying to pick me up ("for a good time&quot😉 or eMarry me. So yes, I've been harassed by certain individuals, including a certain former eUS President, and I've been criticized/discriminated against on the basis of being "inexperienced" or "a hippie" (don't ask...), but not solely on the basis of being a woman.

To any woman who feels inferior to men, I ask why? Women are so great! Women can be as intelligent or moreso than men as well as do a lot of things better, in my feminist opinion. I love being a woman and I hope you do, too; there's nothing inferior about either men or women, there are just differences. If you'd like to see and/or get involved in feminism in this game, however, check out Veriah Carmine's Gynarchy!

And to any women who are aspiring to rise in the game, I would suggest reading and commenting upon the articles in your nation as well as going to your nation's official forums/IRC to get involved in the game. When people notice you as a helpful, intelligent, hard-working and well-informed individual, you'll be able to do anything in this game -- even become President! Also, check out Bia Pandora's newspaper series on the Women of eRepublik for more advice from other women. I'm in the first issue!

Seeing that war and chaos is inevitable here in eRepublik, do you believe in another option for our players to enjoy this game? Please share.

An option beyond war and chaos? Hmm, war infiltrates pretty much every aspect of this game. Even if you move to a country trying to be neutral, like eSouth Africa, you eventually get caught up in landswaps or getting conquered. Then of course there are countries like eMalaysia, which survive without any real wars but play host to war games a few times per week. I don't think you can escape war in this game. That said, however, you can fill your time with other things, such as getting involved in a volunteer organization to hand out gifts/food/moving tickets to new players, writing guides for newbies, being a mentor to a newbie, being involved in politics (Congress, in particular, should keep you busy with minimal war-related stuff!), and striving towards getting medals like Society Builder and Media Mogul. Writing a newspaper can be great fun! Did you know I actually wrote my very first article about being a woman in eUSA? Yep. Got me noticed by Quicksilver, too, a female former Hungarian President! So, yes, writing a newspaper is a great way to get involved without being directly related to war necessarily.

Personally, do you have any grievances to someone in this game? Who are they and why? You don't need to say their name if you don't wish to. And if they were here in front of you, what would you say?

Oh, wow, grievances... well, generally, I have some grievances against certain individuals who have engaged in mudslinging and attempting to curry political favor from multiple sources (promising your one vote to many people all at once, just so they'll vote for you!), but I won't say with whom I have those grievances. I've got a ton of grievances with Ajay Bruno and Exilious, who both seem to have a problem with me being a woman and have harassed their female political opponents in the game before, calling them all sorts of vicious things I can't repeat here. Luckily, they've both been banned... Ajay came back on another name in the eUK (Winston L.S. Churchill, which to the great joy of at least dozens of eUK citizens, has also been banned), but I think we're rid of Exilious. Hopefully. I can think of a certain member of the Republican Party who seems cut of the same cloth as these two, and have personally seen how he's harassed a certain female political opponent of his, but I think it'd be against eRepublik's rules regarding public accusations for me to say anything here regarding him.

As for what I'd say to them, if they were standing right in front of me? I'd tell them to leave women the hell alone, stop trolling/flaming, and crawl back into the holes from which they'd come. There would be some light profanity in there, too, but I can't say that here. I'm not too pleased with the Admins for all the bugs in the game, but, no, I don't have any grievances with the virtual community at large -- they're doing what they want to do, which is the point of this game, as long as they aren't cheating to do it.

Last question, what do you feel about eUSA's plights in the eastern lands? Do you believe that there is a possibility of eUSA being an imperialistic state in the future? What are your views on foreign affairs, to simply put it.

Ah, eUSA's plights in the eastern lands... have you noticed how eUSA was doing great, just breezing along, and the only times we've had trouble is when a bug hits us? I find it extremely annoying, but eUSA has learned to accept that we're going to be hit with bugs and glitches whenever humanly possible. We're going to take the second of three pillars of Phoenix's High Iron soon, hopefully, and then all that will be left for us is to get Heilongjiang, which is sure to be a heck of a fight. Right now, as I'm sure you've noticed, we're only liberating the conquered lands of India and China... if eUSA became an imperialistic power, I'm afraid I'd probably have to leave it, as that is diametrically opposed to my views on foreign affairs. I spoke out against conquering Kyushu, even after I learned that it was just a gateway to Asia, because I think we should respect the wishes of smaller countries... I am glad, however, that eUSA finally got into Asia after three months of failed negotiations (see, we did try talking first... when that didn't work, we used force), no matter how it came to be. In short, I didn't fight in Kyushu, but I've been fighting in Asia to liberate conquered regions. Some people might think I'm being hypocritical, but then, that's just one of the many pitfalls of being a public figure -- I don't let it bother me. The most anyone can do is follow his/her heart in all matters, that's what I believe, even if that invites criticism.

There you go, thanks for having me!

Watch out for the Exclusive Interview with Arjay Phoenician on January 5!

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- Thank You Again To Astra Kat G!!
- Vote Don Keedick for eUS President! He's been running since before Emerick!
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