Complete tutorial of the new world. Re-posted.

Day 1,664, 11:11 Published in South Africa Turkey by Tariq TNT

[DoE] Complete tutorial.

Welcome to the new world fellow eSouth African!

This is going to be a full tutorial of how you can managne to live longer and contribute to eSouth Africa. The Department of Education of eSouth Africa hopes that you find this tutorial helpful. Consider this tutorial
your citizen manual. You can get back to it whenever you find yourself lost. This is not only going to help you understand that new world, but also to fully experience eRepublik.

Here are the topics that are going to be discussed. Take a look at the tutorial index.

Tutorial Index:

1) Introduction to eRepublik.
2) Understanding the basics & the navigation bar.
3) Definitions and common terms.
4) Communication with other citizens.
5) Missions and their benefits.
6) What you can be in the new world.
7) In-depth review of the political module of the new world.
8- In-depth review of the economical module of the new world.
9) In-depth review of the war module of the new world.
10) In-depth review of journalism and the power of media.

Introduction to eRepublik

eRepublik is a game where many around the world join to defend their countries, contribute to them or simply to experience politics, economy and/or war. It can be very hard to understand it at the beginning, but once you fully understand it you'll start to experience the fun atmosphere it creates.

There are many things that you can do here in the new world and there are many friends that you can make, but in order to achieve that you have to understand how it works.

I'll explain in detail how this game functions, so continue reading down below.

Understanding the basics

Above is the new world navigation bar. Lets go through the buttons one by one, shall we?

First from left you got the Home button. The home button takes you to the main page of the new world. The page in which you can see you friends shouts on the right, newspapers centre below, active wars centre above and your status on the left.

On the left side and under your avatar you'll find your wellness that appears as a green bar. Below the green bar you'll find a button with the action (eat). Every hour you can eat and refill your wellness once. You'll then be able to use that wellness to fight, work and train.

Next comes the My Places button on the navi-bar. By pressing that button you'll be redirected to another page that has four different tabs. By default, after clicking the My Places button you'll land on your companies tab. There you can get a job under the My Job section and start working everyday to receive a daily salary. Don't worry if you got fired because you can always apply for another job and so on.

Under the My Companies section you'll find the companies you own. You'll be given one Q1 food company and 3 Q1 food raw material companies. Make sure you work as a manager in them to produce food and later sell them in the market or use them yourself to refill wellness.

The next tab under the My Places button is the train tab. Make it a habit to train every day to increase your strength to have a bigger influence in war. By default you are giver one training centre. Every 250 strength points you make you get a Super Soldier medal along with 5 gold. The same thing is for the Hard working medal. If you work at your job for 30 days you get a hard working medal along with 5 gold.

The third tab under the my places button is your storage. Here you'll be able to store all the products that you have produced or bought.

The last tab under the my places button is the health buildings tab. Here you'll be able to upgrade your health buildings to increase the amount of wellness that you can refill everyday.

Then comes the WAR button on the navi-bar. After clicking the WAR button you'll find a list of all active wars around the new world. You can then pick a war to fight for or preferably you follow the Department of Defense orders.

After that comes the market button. By scrolling your mouse through the market button a list will appear.

The list contains, Market, Job Market and the monetary market.

The market is a place where you can sell or purchase any products, like food, weapons, food raw materials & weapons raw materials. You'll notice that each category of the products either food or weapons have five different qualities. Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4, Q5 & the recently introduced Q6 food or weapons products. The higher the quality the higher the price.

The job market is where you can apply for different jobs for different salaries. As I said earlier, do not worry if you got fired because you can always apply for another job.

Next comes the monetary market. Here you can exchange gold for currency and vice versa according to your need. The process of exchanging is simple and self-explanatory.

Finally comes the Community button second last on your navigation bar. There you'll be able to check on the election progress, your party status and your military unit status.

To visit your profile you can simply click on your avatar or name and you'll be redirected to your profile.

There you can check your experience level, the medals you received, your political party, your newspaper

and your location. You can also edit your profile as well as your avatar from there.

This concludes the basic section of this tutorial.

Definitions and common terms

Sometimes in the new world you are going to hear new terms and phrases that you are not familiar with. You can always ask about their meaning so don't be shy!

I'll share a few commonly used terms in the new world and their definitions.

2-Clicker: (also seen as: Two Clicker) - A citizen that only works and trains without much community involvement.

ATO: The opposite of a Political Takeover, an ATO, or Anti-Takeover, involves people working to defeat a political takeover.

Baby Boom: A period where many new players join (may apply to the entire game or a specific country).

Blocker: A citizen who is running in a region for congress without necessarily planning to win; instead they run to prevent an enemy from having the opportunity to run.

Headless Chickens: This refers to a 404 error. The term derives from the use of a cartoon

headless chicken on all of eRepublik's 404 error pages.

HW Medal: A medal earned by working for 30 days in a row.

IRC: Internet Chat Relay - An online chat system.

MMP: Mutual Protection Pact - An agreement between allied countries that they will protect

each other against enemy forces. Citizens may then fight battles for their allies without moving from their home nation.

Mod(s): Moderator(s) - They who modify - The person(s) who manage eRepublik in various

ways. Ex. Giving penalties to players with multiple accounts. Ex2. Making changes to the game.

MoX: Minister of X (where X is the particular ministry or government organization in

question) - This person is a government official mandated by the Country President to manage a given ministry.

Multi: Multiple - A player account which is being used in addition to one or more other player accounts. This is considered cheating, and if caught players face consequences such as the commonly used

penalty (permanent ban).

Natural Enemy: Each country can set one bordering nation as a natural enemy every month.

This process must go through congress for approval, and the process can be redone once a month. Ones a natural enemy has been declared, war is free. When fighting against a natural enemy, soldiers receive an extra 10% damage.

Noob: Refers to a player who is new or inexperienced. Can also be used to tease or insult someone.

o7 or 07 or O>: Salute - This is a commonly used combination of lower case "o" and the number "7", to make a salute symbol. The "o" looks like a head, while the "7" looks like a arm saluting. This is common in military discussion and is used to denote respect (unless used in satire).

PTO: Political Take Over - Refers to the act of abusing democracy by moving in masses (either using multiple accounts or friends) and taking over a party, congress, or country. The specific problem with this is that the PTOer(s) (or Political Take Oveer(s)) rarely have the best interest of others in mind, and often seek to exploit a country or organization.

PP: Party President.

RM: Raw Material - harvested by employees of a company then sold to companies that manufacture goods to be sold to players in the marketplace.

Resistance War: a battle in which only one nation participates, and can only be started in a region which is not native to its current owner. If the battle is successful, it returns to its original owner.

SS Medal: Super soldier Medal : Received for every 250 strength gained through training.

Sub: Subscribe - refers to the act of clicking the subscribe button in order to receive a notification every time a new article is published in a particular newspaper (the one the subscribe button belonged to).

Tank: Someone who spends large sums of Gold on wellness packs during wars. “To Tank” is the act of spending the gold on wellness packs and weps in order to fight 80, 90 or more times during a given battle.

TW: Training War - A battle staged for the purposes of countries within a MPP (Mutual Protection Pact) in order for them to keep their citizens’ thirst for war satisfied and to help them gain military rank faster.

VP: Vice President

V&S: (also seen as: V+S) - Voted and Subscribed - Used often when commenting on a newspaper article. V&S indicates that the speaker has hit the vote button (increasing the visibility of an article) and the subscribe button (meaning that future articles from the same newspaper will by notified to the speaker).

\o/: Hoorah! - This is a symbol made to look like a head with two raised arms as if cheering. This is used to denote enthusiasm or happiness (unless used in satire).

o/ or \o: Hi-five! - This symbol represents a highfive, with the small o representing the head, and

the / or \ representing an arm reached out to the right or left.

Those were some of the terms that are commonly used here in the new world, so if you ever hear a new term just ask for the meaning. This concludes the definition and commonly used terms in the new world section of this tutorial.

Communication with other citizens

Communication with other citizens of the new world plays a key role in understanding eRepulik. They key to progress and fully experience eRepublik is communication.

There are three main ways to communicate and those are:
1) IRC or internet relay chat.
2) National forum.
3) In-game private messaging.

IRC or internet relay chat:

A commonly used IRC host among the new world citizens is mibbit chat network. The official eSouth African channel is #eSouth_Africa. By visiting you can visit the eSouth African official channel by following these simple instructions:

Connect: Rizon instead of Mibbit [webirc].
Nick: choose your nick and type it here.
Channel: #eSouth_Africa.

By following these simple instructions you'll visit the official eSouth African channel and then you can communicate with the eSouth African society.

Next comes the National forum:

The National forum of eSouth Africa is a place where all legislative, informative and fun activities are held.

From congress to political discussions all are held under the national forums. Forums are a good place for communication and sharing valuable information such as history and tutorials. Give it a try and register with
the eSouth African national forum here:

Finally is the in-game messaging:

In-game messages can be very useful for recruitment, interviews, political advertisement and/or communication purposes. It's easy and simple to use.

This concludes the communication section of this tutorial.

Missions and their benefits

As a new citizen in the new world, it would be helpful for you to complete most of the missions which are found on your left side of the home page. Completing the missions will get you many prizes and boosters and will make you better understand what to do. After completing the missions, every now and then you'll be getting more missions to complete. Try to complete them all without cheating, otherwise you'll get caught.

There is nothing much to say about missions as they are self-explanatory. Just click on any of the missions that appear and you'll get instructions about what to do and what you'll get in return. Do the math and see if it's worth giving it a try.

Usually missions will get you more strength, experience points and weapons or energy bars.

This concludes the missions section of this tutorial.

What you can be in the new world

[img] +News+Slovak+Troops+in+Afghanistan+Nov+19+2009.jpg[/img]

There are many things that you can do out here in the new world, you just need to be creative and that's something you can never learn from this tutorial.

However, there are three main paths you can take. You can become:

* A great politician.
* A warrior.
* A journalist.
* A businessman.

Or you can be all together if you happen to have no real life. One thing which is worth mentioning is that things in the new world happen slowly. For instance, you cannot be a well known politician in one day, the same is with business, journalism & war. Patience is the key and nothing is impossible.

This concludes this section of the tutorial.

In-depth review of the political module of the new world

Politics is probably the easiest field you can choose and perhaps relatively rapid when it comes to progress, but again it depends on you.

There is no one way to politics because again it all depends on you. However there are certain things that you have to do to get involved with the new world political system.

For one, you definitely have to pick a party and join to become a member. That's the first thing you need to do. Then start talking and communicating more. You can either do that through, IRC, Forum or newspapers.

Having a newspaper is essential for your political progression. Political parties are the foundation of the political system in eRepublik. To join a party access the 'Community' tab from the main menu and clicking on the 'My Party' link.

Once you join a party, or just browsing through them, you will see the following information:

Avatar and name of the party
Name of the party president
Country of the party
Link to the party's wiki page
Link to the party's discussion forum

The Info section shows:
Number of members
Political orientation (Economical and Social)
Click the See All Members to see Party member
Join/Resign - If you are not a member of the party, you will see a "Join" button. Click this to Join. If you are a member, you will see "Resign", click the button to resign from the party.

To really feel that you're getting involved in politics, you have to participate in elections by either running or supporting a candidate. On Election Day (the 5th, 15th or 25th of every month, depending on the purpose of the election), citizens can vote for their preferred candidate. There are four different types of elections:

Party President Elections (held on 15th of every month)
Captain Elections (held on 15th of every month)
Congress Elections (held on 25th of every month)
Country President Elections (held on 5th of every month)

Rushing into campaigning isn't wise, you can give it a try though. The reason why it isn't wise is because you have to make a good reputation of yourself before running for campaigns, especially the country president campaign. You have to know that you have enough supports to back you up, otherwise you'll simply lose, but that does not mean that you shouldn't give it a try.

Make articles, chat on IRC, do whatever it takes to get known by others. This is the key to succeed in politics. You can give congressional elections a try. Get yourself elected and cross your fingers. Getting in congress will teach you may things. How the country runs and the type of debates that occur inside congress and between congressmen.

Lets summarize the elections and political positions:

Country President
The CP Election is the first election of the month, so we shall discuss this first. To be the CP, you must be at level 18 (300 XP) and part of a party. But if you recently reached level 18, don’t get too optimistic about thinking of running, as you must also have plenty of experience in the government if you are to be endorsed by the party. As stated above, the election is on the 5th. Up to five candidates can run in this election, with the largest parties taking part of the election is more than 5 candidates run. Before the election, they can chose Country Goals, such as Increase Population x%, Improve Economy y%, Gain and/or keep regions. However, this is not of importance, as the main part of this election is the manifestos. The candidates usually write a series of manifestos dealing with a variety of issues, such as the economy, domestics, foreign affairs and military. While this is a virtual job, the stress is real, as the PM is always being
kept busy with all the happenings of the country. This is a position not to be held lightly. If the CP is impeached, the runner up of the election becomes the next country president.

Party President Election
The Party President (PP) Election is held on the 15th on the each month. To run for PP, you must be a member of any party, and must candidate before the 15th. You must also be at least level 16 (180 XP). The Party President is the leader of each party, and if he or she is the leader of a party that is in the top 5, they also organise who runs in the Congress Elections. They also select who (if anyone) will represent their party in the Prime Minister election. If the Party President resigns, the person with the highest XP in that party becomes the new PP.

Congress/Parliament Election
The Congress elections are held every 25th of the month. Congress usually consists of around 40 people selected from each of the regions in the eSouth Africa. However, the distribution of Congress frequently changes based on how many regions eSouth Africa currently occupies or is being occupied by foreign nations. To run for Congress, you need to be a member of a top 5 party and be at level 15 (150 XP). Congress votes on a variety of issues on eRepublik, usually Mutual Protection Pacts (MPPs), tax changes and donations to bank accounts. However, the majority of the work done by Congress is over at the national forums, where they discussion and vote on legislations.

Create a newspaper now, introduce yourself to the community you are in and stay active! That's what ePolitics is all about.

This concludes this section of the tutorial.

In-depth review of the economical module of the new world

Economy sucks and I am being completely honest. making money is becoming harder than cracking a nut. That's why you should keep your gold, except the 2 gold you are going to spend on your newspaper. Keep saving and invest.

There are many ways to make money but they all need patience and without it, you wont be able to wait. Becoming successful in business is not an easy accomplishment. You have to work and think hard for it.

Trading is one way to make money. Finding a job is a good start and working at your companies is necessary, but most importantly is not to waste your gold because it will be very hard to get later on as you progress.

Here are some of the things you can do:

*Trading importing / exporting.
*Saving up for company upgrades.
*Joining communes.
*Getting the Hard worker and Super Soldier medals ( gold each).
*Investing in trustworthy banks like eCitizen bank (contact Mr Andrews for details).
*Prize hunting ( keep searching for contests on newspapers and participate.)

There are actually many things that you could do to profit and get an income. However, I'd like to focus on communes.

Communes are places where a community gather and work for companies for minimum wages and get products instead. Communes are usually found in military units so ask your commander about communes. You'll get products instead of cash (which is worthless these days). You can then either use these products or sell them for higher cash than you'd normally get from a normal job.

As a new player, you are given three grain farms and a Q1 Food company. This will be the footing of your empire and the first stepping stone on the long path to self-sufficiency. Now before I go into details, lets understand a few terms you might later on find helpful.

---Base Production: The default production rate for a company, before territory bonuses are added.

---Territory Bonuses: The bonus production granted for holding certain resource materials in your country. There are five different materials for both food and weapons. For food bonuses: fruit, fish, grain, cattle and deer. For weapons; oil, rubber, saltpeter, iron and aluminum. You receive a 20% bonus for each resource you hold.

---WRM are weapons raw materials used to produce weapons in weapons companies.

---FRM are material used to produce foodstuffs.

---Grain Farm: The lowest-producing food resource material company available, you get three of these to fund your food factory. Base Production is set at 35 units.

---Food Factory: The food factory converts your FRM into food products, which can be consumed for 2 health each. Base Production is 100 units.

---Communes: a place where a community gather and work together at minimum wage (example 5 ZAR) and in return they get ready produced products such as weapons and food instead of a salary.

Don't expect to learn everything in one day, but I think that this section has given you a general idea of how things work.

That being said, this concludes this section of the tutorial.


In-depth review of the war module of the new world

War, war the never ending war!

You'll notice that war never stops in the new world. It's always a war between two or more countries. War makes economy better and enriches the market place, but only if the eCountry wins that war otherwise hunger will strike every city, town and home of that eCountry.

To be a powerful strong warrior you have to make sure that you train every day and complete the missions as discussed above as some of the missions provide extra strength and weapons as prizes.

Fighting everyday gets your experience level up. Some citizens level up fast to level 20 by fighting everyday. The only thing that stops citizens like me from fighting is the refill time limit.

As discussed earlier, joining a military unit and its commune will make it easier for you to get enough supplies to fight everyday.

There is nothing much to say in the war module of the new world, but to fight all the time, even if you had no weapons.

This concludes the war module section of this tutorial.

In-depth review of journalism and the power of media

Media is powerful in the new world just like real life. You can change something through media and that's why it's important to have a newspaper especially if you were interested in the political field of the new world. Creating a newspaper costs 2 gold which is probably the one thing worth spending your gold at.

Newspapers are a major source of communication and information on eRepublik. Many citizens have a newspaper, but only a few write great articles.

Creating a Newspaper
To create an article, you must first create a newspaper. You need to be at Level 9 (80XP) to have this feature unlocked. The cost of creating a newspaper is two gold. You can create a name for your newspaper, as long as that name is not already chosen (ex: News of the World is already taken, but not The News of the eWorld). You can also upload an icon for your newspaper. These two features can be edited whenever you want, but I wouldn't change that too often or it might confuse your subscribers.

Here are some tips for writing good articles.
Keep things eRepublik related. People don't like it when you talk about real life stuff.
Try not to point out the obvious, such as "eSouth Africa has passed an MPP with Italy. I believe this will help us on the battlefield." Put in some insightful and thoughtful analysis.
If you are running for Congress, make realistic points. Don't say you will take over the world if elected.
Check your spelling and grammar. People aren't going to think highly of your newspaper if u right lik dis or yu sy wat. People like images. Try to use one if applicable.

This concludes this section of the tutorial which is the last section of the tutorial.

I'll continue editing and adding to this tutorial and I'll repost it from time to time. Make sure it reaches every eSA new citizen. It doesn't include everything about the game, but at least it gives the reader a general idea of what to do and what to expect.

--The Mulder Post
--IA News
--World Wide Whitehead x2
--The Great Tit