Company Calculator Version 2.0!

Day 970, 14:51 Published in USA USA by batterytime">
Annoucement: Calculator Version 2.0 is coming soon! Release date: Day 975 of the New World

If you haven't heard, I recently released an automated company calculator.
Version 1.02: Free Version

I've been working on a version 2.0, loaded with new features! (and more, if you throw in suggestions)

Those features include:
-A bookmarking system: Keep track of up to 15 companies at once! No more searching around for your company IDs, just bookmark them and the calc will provide a one-click button for accessing that company's data!
-Auto-update checking: The calculator will now automatically check for updates!
-Calculator Update Migration WIzar😛 When you upgrade, you can now keep all your data from the last version of the calculator with just a quick and easy wizard!
-Real-time price grabbing: The calculator will grab the estimated market price of the good you're selling, and automatically put it in the sheet!
-Hide/Show technical columns: Don't want to see those pink columns because you don't know what its for? Just click the button and they'll hide themselves!
-Reset sheet: screwed up the company calculator sheet somehow? Just click a button and it'll fix that for you.
-Support for boosters: You can assign work boosters to each employee! (Which is then factored into wages, as well as productivity)
-Saves hours: V2 also saves the # of hours you assign to each worker, as well as the wages!

Only supporters will have access to version 2.0 and any versions after that. To become a supporter will cost just 3 gold, and you'll be helping to further the creation of this tool.


For a limited time, you can become a supporter for only 2 gold. Anytime before the release date of the V2 calculator (Day 975) you will be able to become a supporter at this discount price.
Anybody who has already donated 2 gold or above will automatically become a supporter.
Donate Here to Become a Supporter!
Once you have donated, please also send me a PM containing your google docs email. I need this to give you access.

Version 1.02 of the calculator will remain for public use FOREVER. However, I will not be making any more changes or updates to it.

Thanks for reading,