Day 1,956, 15:10 Published in USA USA by Goddess Dilvany

In this article I will debunk TorrinTheGreat and his delightful comment. This article is simple called COME AT ME BRO!!!

Original Article

You are paranoid and delusional. Ask an escapee of North Korea if they like living in communist states.

Reporting this article for racism, having a picture of stalin and mao zedong who killed 10s of millions of people is insulting to many.

1. "You are paranoid and delusional" All I said in my article is that we are living in a political illusion. I guess if you want to blindly believe you have choice that's fine. But I'm pretty shore your delusional.

2. North Korea??? Not this again... These so called escapees are a pathetic example. Nearly everything about them can not be confirmed and are not credible. Further more they are often inconsistent. Give me one example that is credible. I dare you...

3. People in socialist countries commit crimes right. Just because it is socialism does not mean people want to commit crimes. Also to clear another big misconception work camps and not death camps. In work camps people until they repay there debt to society for the crime they committed. I don't know of any other country that does that? Death camps are places where they kill you.

4. Stalin killed people!!! You do realize these people where not actually killed by Stalin. Stalin did not go around and kill people one by one. In the early 1930's there was a famine that was caused by farmers not producing enough food so they can make more money. It was made worse when a natural famine occurred with the market famine. This resulted in people starving and dying.

5. Mao did not kill anyone the people that died while Mao was leader was because of a famine that occurred in china. Though actual since that famine in the early 60's china has not had a famine. While it was common for famines to happen killing millions of people every so often in china.

6. Well what about purges? You may find this hard to believe but what if people inside the Soviet Union where actually conspiring to kill Stalin and destroy socialism. That is called treason so Stalin tried and convicted these people. END OF STORY

7. Insulting to you what are you 5 years old. SOB SOB MOMMY MOMMY Someone disagrees with me and has view that I have been brainwashed to hate.


Secretary General and Former Party President of the SFP
Dylan Thomas10