
Day 619, 06:52 Published in Hungary Japan by Von Seelard
Brave citizens of the Old World!

At the 600th day of the New World, French sailors have found a continent across the endless Ocean!

Captain lady Mavie75 and her crew on the flagship Santa Maria launched their expedition into the unknown from Bretagne, France. The journey was perilous. At the coasts of Ireland, a rebel pirate band, led by Brian Boru, sneaked onto the ship, and hideously placed five hundred barrels of Irish whiskey in the cantin. The brave French sailors struggled against the Irish whiskey, and in an epic battle, they managed to drink it all.

Meanwhile, Hungarian royalists, led by Kampec, were informed that a certain Scotish clan, the eDrummonds, according to the legends, are descendants of the first Hungarain royal family. The Hungarian army liberated Scotland, and started to search for their lost king. However, they only found a large amount of Scottish whisky, and next morning nobody knew why they woke up in Scotland, instead of Hungary. But they found it a nice place, so the HQ decided to keep it. The Scotsmen were rebelling first, but when they learned that a large shipment of a Hungarian liquor called "palinka" is being transported in exchange for the lost whisky, they calmed down, and the Hungaro-Scot Empire was born. On the picture below, you can see how mad the Scotsmen became when they were told that the Hungarians drank their whisky.

Not far away, the Santa Maria was still around the Irish harbours, as the French sailors refused to continue on this perilous journey without additional whiskey stocks, and the Irish refused to give any more. Luckily, the Hungaro-Scot Empire supplied the French flagship with Scot whisky, so they could continue their journey. They sailed to the west, and finally reached a land, which they named Nova Scotia to honour the Scottish people's help about the whisky issue. Next to that, they found a new land, and they named it Newfoundland after that fact.

"I think they're saying something about wanting to maintain the integrity of their border."

The native people of these lands are led by war leader chief Harry Dick, and spiritual leader Emerick the Great. The French colonists first met Emerick, and found his avatar colourful, so they named the discovered continent Americka after him. The natives are having trouble learning proper English, and traditionally drink a pseudo-alcoholic beverage, wrongly identifeid as "beer". They inhabit mostly Q2 and Q3 hospitals during summer months, and only gather at Q5 warcamps when the war leader orders it. Traditionally only the friends of the war leader go to war in their tanks.

The news of this discovery spread rapidly in the Old World, and soon Brittish, Russian, Indonesian, Portugouse, and Hungarian colonists appeared. The natives are falling back, and the war leader ordered all natives to move into Reservation Parks around New Jersey and Florida.

Seeing their stubbornness, the colonizing countries have sent their leading missionaire, Zoli, to preach about the benefits of civilisation, like Q5 hospitals, and properly supplying the army instead of tanking the elite, but the ungrateful natives nearly lynched him.

If your country is not already involved in the colonisation, contact Peace GC immediately, and get your share from the Divided States of Americka today!

/ Published in eHungary, on day 619, 2009.07.31. /