Colombia: PEACE's Trojan Horse?

Day 661, 18:59 Published in USA USA by Lieutenant Scheisskopf

Since writing my previous article on South America, it is disconcerting to see an increased foreign presence in eColombia, due in part to its conquest of Texas, increasing its population by almost 900 citizens in two days (currently at 2886 versus 1905 citizens 2 days ago). At any given time, a quick glance at who is online in eColombia reveals eSerbians, eIndonesians, and eHungarians along with other PEACE members. As long as eColombia does not establish any MPPs against the eUSA, eUSA policy makers and military leaders may discredit the eColombians' commitment and capability in this war. But the question I hypothetically raise now may arise over time: has eColombia become PEACE's backdoor against the eUSA, an overlooked trojan horse that could make defending and regaining our homelands much more difficult?

Possible Arguments For
There are three arguments in favor of this notion, two of which are related. Along with the increased PEACE presence and ballooning population in eColombia, eColombia's economy is miniscule and public budget very scant (although I am realistic-- they probably conceal their funds as do other warring countries). Even with concealed funds, eColombia could not realistically launch more battles, fund more troops, and achieve a prolonged winning streak-- even with eUSA focus and orders being focused on eRussia-- without outside assistance. PEACE leadership may see eColombia as their best chance to wreak havoc against the eUSA, similar to a controversial RL example of Iran supporting insurgents in Afghanistan and Iraq.

Additionally, there is a "sustainability" argument. eColombian press is covered in Spanish language articles proclaiming their intention to hold their new lands, to support and bolster their PEACE allies' war efforts, and to keep their momentum. No realistic observer could think these goals remotely possible if it were purely eColombia versus the eUSA and its 9 MPPs. Outside assistance would be required; with these proclamations and their recent successes, PEACE may see eColombia as the ace up their sleeve that FORTIS/EDEN was not expecting and may have difficulty repulsing.

First off, it is important to keep obeying military and civilian orders. But it may be a wise move to assign some military (eUSA or F/E) personnel to fighting on the eColombian front. Another possibility would be to deploy some elite fighters to eColombian-held regions and start the resistance campaign, although this plan is less feasible as long as the eRussian front exists. I would personally like to see the eUSA RW Texas, quickly fortify it, and then fight other eColombian regions backwards into their eMexican territory, if the money is available for this. If there are enough resources to also fortify California, this strategy would limit reasonable eColombian chances of successful battle to two regions-- a much easier area for eUSA and allied forces to contain.

Final Take
The eRussian front is, undoubtedly, the front in which the eUSA is more invested emotionally, financially, and militarily. Removing eRussia permanently from the continent also makes winning this front a very worthwhile objective. However, the eUSA cannot overlook the eColombian front and the implications that letting them advance too far could have. The threat poised by this new front could be very damaging, particularly if eColombia continues to get PEACE backing and manpower, and should be taken seriously. We do not want this seemingly weak state to be our trojan horse.

God Bless America,

Lt. Scheisskopf