Coffee with the President (1776)

Day 1,776, 10:06 Published in Switzerland Switzerland by Lotus Black

Dear friends,

so here we are again at our coffee break. Is it just me, or are there a lot of things happening this month? Well, I’m happy I can share them all with you.

I thought we could try something different today. So my awesome peeps prepared us some green coffee. I’ve read somewhere its actually more healthy, so we might give it a try this time. And for the others we have some jasmine tea, a courtesy to Hector, since its his favourite.

First of all, I’m sure you’re all super excited about the TW with Austria. Since training wars can easily get out of hand, I would like to ask you again to please follow orders. Due to the hickup concerning our capital, they may change after the battle for Tyrol, so please, check the orders before you fight.

First step is we attack Tyrol. We will lose that battle, so don’t put everything you have in it. The battles will be going on for a while, so you will have plenty of time to finish your missions. Also you should hold on to your rockets and bazookas for the RW battles, so we have no problem getting the regions back.

*ORDERS CHANGED - Check new battle plan for Graubunden

Also I’d like to congratulate Monsieur Guillontine on becoming the Speaker of Congress (also known as Chairman of Congress).

As he revealed in his first article, the congress elected their 3 members to the Immigration Committee: bowen199, Rican, and Uros95 . And I have appointed Astorwald and Trukork to be the government representatives in the Committee.

Due to red alert cause of the PTO threat, the Committee will do their work especially carefully and close the borders if needed.

In alliance news, we can congratulate xKodakx , chilean MoD, on becoming the new MC of CoT. Congratulations!

And again a reminder to fill the questionnaire to determine what do members of certain parties believe in and how the parties look in their eyes made by Rangeley. If enough people fill it the results should be really fun and interesting to see.

Thank you for joining me. You can leave your comment at the comments section and I will try to respond as quickly as I can.

Sincerely yours,