Coffee with the President (1772)

Day 1,772, 18:31 Published in Switzerland Switzerland by Lotus Black

Dear friends,

sometimes a simple coffee isn’t enough, so since I'm done with my working day I thought we could have a delicious glass of amaretto with our coffee this evening.* To those that don’t drink alcohol (or are under age), we still have a nice cup of tea.

*The governments does not support drinking alcohol.

I’m sure all of us have a soft spot for a damsel in distress. I know I do. And if its a baby struggling in our country,... well lets just say things like that shouldn’t happen. But its a cautionary tale, a reminder that we shouldn’t be easy like that, that things are not always as they seem. So please, next time trust the people you know, ask around and be sure before you send money to pretty girls. I for one am really angry, cause this little girl undid everything we women in erepublic fought for, for a very long time. And I’m happy she got what she deserved.

Her call to unity in a single party resulted in a mess full of multies and some of them even managed to get in congress. Swiss Freedom Party, or should I say the real members of that party, did not deserve this. But again, its a lesson to all of us. Next month we will have to be more careful and PPs will need to be more selective and take their roles seriously.

The cabinet has decided to invite the PPs to join the government in the discussions. There will be a Swiss HQ made via IGM that will include the PPs, as a sign of respect to their positions and the role they have in Switzerland. With this we hope we will form a more unified political space (not to be mistaken for one party ideology, but to get the parties to work together for better safety and the growth of Switzerland).

There has been some interesting developments in the alliance Headquarters also. The current MC (Military Commander) resigned due to personal and political issues in his own country (Japan). There will be CoT meeting to discuss this matter.

I would like to remind you about the questionnaire to determine what do members of certain parties believe in and how the parties look in their eyes made by Rangeley. If you haven't yet, please take the time to fill it.

Also, you can still apply to be an ambassador.

Thank you for joining me. You can leave your comment at the comments section and I will try to respond as quickly as I can.

Sincerely yours,