Coffee with the President (1759)

Day 1,759, 05:19 Published in Switzerland Switzerland by Lotus Black

Dear friends,

I’m afraid today my time is more limited so I will be joining you just for a quick espresso. We also have red goji and raspberry flavoured green tea and some tasty cookies (they are vegan, but I promise they taste amazing anyway).

Yesterday was the rescheduled CoT alliance meeting, where the new officials were elected. As I mentioned, the next in line to have presidency were Peru and South Korea. South Korea was not present at the meeting so the presidency went to the next country in line, the most beautiful country in the world, Switzerland! That means we had a chance to propose one of the two SCs (Supreme Commanders), so we proposed Sgtchewy (he says we shouldn’t congratulate him until he does something to be congratulated for, but what the heck...) Congratulations Sgtchewy! 🙂

Surprises didn’t stop there, as Peru had no candidates prepared, so their presidency was passed on to the next country, Bulgaria. They proposed their candidate, so the other SC is now Velchev.

Switzerland as one of the two countries that can propose a MC (Military Commander) named their candidate (ideally it has to be someone from another country, not holding the presidency) and who was then voted as the MC. This person is Japan's representative Greatmoff, who was a great help to me in my term as MC.

Since the rule is that one person can hold the same position in the CoT only for 2 consecutive months (CPs and aMCs not included) after voting on it, Patar333 was replaced by the bulgarian candidate NikolayMilev as the new GoB (Governor of Bank).

Congratulations to all the new officials in CoT.

Diplomatic talks between Switzerland and Macedonia (MKD) have been initiated again after the short suspension to revise the offered deal. After a couple of days of discussions with the cabinet members we have decided to try and renegotiate the deal to include a possible rent. A meeting with MKD officials took place and we were successful at the negotiations. MKD agreed to pay rent for Deutschschweiz.

Some of you might not be happy with this deal, but as the main opposer to it last month, I can assure you, extra income at this point is a great benefit to us. To understand the deal we made you have to look at it as a business agreement among allied countries, which benefits both.

I would also like to remind you that till the end of the day tomorrow (1760) you can still apply for the position of DoE (Director of Embassies) at this form. Only requirements are having swiss CS and not being red flagged by the government.

Thank you for joining me. You can leave your comment at the comments section and I will try to respond as quickly as I can.

Sincerely yours,