Clarification From the Desk of the President

Day 1,124, 22:46 Published in Japan Japan by KITA Ikki

UPDATE NOTE: New auto-attack rules forced eSouth Korea to attack Shikoku, so defend the region until we can close the war via a vote as soon as the natural enemy law passes.

I. Region Rental & Congressional Elections

II. Current Foreign Relations Situation

III. Rebuilding the Military

Most Japanese associate deer with Nara in Kinki region, but we can still sell "deer poop candy" from Chubu region to the eUSA

I. Region Rental & Congressional Elections

In accordance with the Imperial Diet's 14 YES - 3 NO approval of our region rental agreement of Chubu region with the eUSA, I have proposed the eUSA as natural enemy. The purpose of this is twofol😛 1) as soon as the law passes, we can close the ongoing war with eSouth Korea, and 2) we can open a free war with the eUSA to begin the region exchange. The timing is tricky, and I am concerned that the plan will not be entirely completed before congressional elections on December 25th, resulting in some dislocation for the electorate. Candidates, PLEASE stay on your toes and be ready to move from any regions still occupied to those which are not if you wish to candidate. Your party presidents should stay especially aware of the changes.

Lots of confusion in eJapan has caused heads to explode lately

II. Current Foreign Relations Situation

There was much confusion in the last ten days, and there will likely be more confusion in the coming week, so I would like to repeat what has happened, for the recor😛 former eSK & eJapanese presidents Grease and Danyeo organized a region swap. I was not aware of the particular details, so new eSK-president-by-impeachment Clopoyaur's attack on Kinki came as a surprise. It was apparently not a real attack, just a misunderstanding on his part that our Imperial Diet must ratify such agreements. In the end, it did not, so we have been waiting for the end of the minimum 7 day period of the new natural enemy law in order to close the war and restore our nations' original home regions. A NEW region rental agreement has been reached, with confirmation from eUSA negotiator St. Krems and eUSA country president Josh Frost as well as our own Imperial Diet in a 14-3 vote. So I have proposed a new natural enemy law with the intent of opening a free war with the eUSA to facilitate the region exchanges. Once the region exchange is completed, the other original home regions will be returned to eJapan and new MPPs will be signed.


143587 influence -- this one goes to the Extreme Battle Hero Medal Gallery

III. Rebuilding the Military

In the v2 activity meltdown, eJapan's military mostly quit or left the country. Minister of Defense Alfred Ball has released several articles regarding a rebuild of the military, and we need to support him in this. Many of the two hour battle rounds can be decisively decided by just one or two high strength citizens using only their "food fights," but they have to be online at the right times and equipped with enough food/weapons to make a difference. Getting on the proper military IRC channel and having access to a stocked weapons storage org can make the difference, so please pm the Japanese Imperial Army (JIA) org with your resume (your strength, how many of your own personal weapons you could provide in battle, time of day you could be online, how long you have been an eJapanese citizen, etc.), so we can begin to make a coherent unit.

Thank you for your cooperation!

Country President, eJapan