Citizens working in the current administration, fired?

Day 531, 10:45 Published in USA USA by William Shafer

Over the last few days, I have been talking a lot in the eUSA forums. Most of it was an apology to the eUSA for accidentally alerting people of a secret military operation. This seems to be dying down now, but I noticed a few things.

In the IRC channel, I was talking to a few people in the Scrabman administration, and one of them in particular, Bill Brasky, mentioned he was fired from his position as the Director of Education (Not sure if I got this job title right, apologies if I didn't). When I asked why, he responded "For talking to you, Lol." I first heard Mr. Brasky was fired in the forum discussion, but still I don't know all of the details, so I'm not going to really get too deep into it, but I did get permission from Mr. Brasky to write this article and alert people. Now, I must pose two questions.

1) To Scrabman and his administration: I understand that you don't like me, personally, but are you really going to sink so low as to fire people simply because they talk to me?

2) To the eAmerican people: Do you accept this? People being fired from their position in the government just because they had a conversation with somebody else? Does this seem acceptable? It doesn't to me. eAmerica deserves a president who is honest and doesn't get his panties in a knot when two people talk about something completely unrelated to him.

Now, maybe this isn't a big deal. Maybe it is. Who knows. It was just on my mind, and I figured I'd write about it.