Citizens Investment Bank- Mortgage Plan

Day 697, 20:42 Published in Canada Canada by jbdivinus

Hello eCanada,
The Citizens Investment Bank has been hard at work getting out contracts and getting organised; the initial amount of requests was actually overwhelming. There are many Canadians out there who need a house, and the following is the mortgage plan of Citizens Investment Bank

Q1 House: 3.5 gold
Q2 House: 7.5 gold
Q3 House: 15 gold
Q4 House: 26 gold
Q5 House: 40 gold

*Prices subject to change as the market fluctuates
*Payable in CAD at a rate to be agreed upon at the time of the contract.

1. PM Citizens Investment Bank explaining your financial situation and the quality of house you would like to purchase
2. Citizens Investment Bank will either ask you a few questions, or send you a link to a contract
3. Sign the contract
4. The house will be donated to you immediately once the contract is valid
5. You will have 6 weeks (negotiable) to pay back the amount owed for the house. 3% weekly interest is added onto the unpaid portion of the mortgage
6. If you are unable to pay for the house at the end of the 6 weeks, there will be a 48 hour period where you have the chance to appeal to Citizens Investment Bank and extend your loan
7. If 6. fails, the house will be repossessed, and the penalty will be 25% of the amount that has not been payed. The rest of what has been payed will be returned.

If there are any questions, please PM Citizens Investment Bank, or comment here.