Citizen Tutorial: Wellness

Day 494, 05:27 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by DanielB1989

In order to help new citizen in the eNetherlands I will write a couple of articles about the introduction to create better understanding of the game.

Wellness is an everyday struggle for the erepublik citizens. New citizens often find it hard to find the right information about Wellness and underestimate the importance of it.

In this article I will explain the use of wellness, give some facts, tips and hints to improve your wellness.

To get and maintain your wellness at a high level is very important, it improves your productivity at work and your strength (damage) on the battlefield. In times of war it is rather easy to improve your wellness through the hospital (which I will explain later) but in times of peace it is not so easy.
The wellness of your citizen can be influenced by the following factors: work, training, fighting, gifting, eating, living in a house, moving and by wellness packs.

I will explain all these factors in this article to make it clear.

Wellness Loss

1. You lose wellness every day while working. You will lose a number of wellness points which is the equivalent of the quality of the company. When you work at a Q (quality) 1 company you will lose 1 wellness point. At a Q2 company you will lose 2 wellness etc.

2. You lose 1 wellness point for training every day. It is essential to train every day as it takes quite a while to gain strength.

3. You will lose 10 wellness points for every fight you take part in

4. You will lose wellness when you move, unless you move with a high quality moving ticket, then you can actually gain wellness. Moving with a Q1 ticket = -2 wellness, Q2 Moving ticket = -1 etc.

5. If you don’t consume food, so when you do not have any food in your inventory you will lose wellness as well. The amount of wellness you lose depends on your current wellness level:

Wellness level between 1 and 10 = -1
11 and 50 wellness = -2
51 and 80 wellness = -3
81 and 100 wellness = -4

6. When you are a general manager of a company (on your citizens account) you will lose 1 wellness every day for every company you have. To avoid this, almost all general managers have an organization where they put their companies under (Organizations don’t have wellness).

Wellness Boosts

1. You will gain wellness by consuming food, the amount of wellness you gain depends on your current wellness the higher your wellness the smaller the raise is.

2. Buy a house. It is expensive to buy a house, but it is a crucial step to maintain a decent wellness. Also with the houses it is the higher the quality the better effect it has. The boost your wellness gets from having a house is just like food depending on your current wellness. The house boosts only works when you have food in your inventory!

You can calculate your wellness with the wellness calculator:

3. Fighting, when you fight in a war you can go to the hospital of the region you are residing in, if you have fought. The wellness you gain will be the Quality of the hospital (number of stars) *10. So in the North Region of the eNetherlands you can gain: Q5 * 10 = 50 Wellness points by healing. I will soon publish another article with tips and tricks about fighting and healing.

4. Gifts, you can increase your wellness by receiving gifts. The wellness you receive depends on the Quality of the gift. When someone gifts you a Q2 gift then your wellness will raise with 2 points. You can receive a maximum of 10 wellness points through gifts every day. The only problem is that you cannot offer gifts to yourself therefore you should find a gift partner with whom you can exchange gifts.

5. There is a 5th way of earning wellness; this is through buying a wellness pack. A wellness pack costs 2 Gold and it will give you 10 wellness points. You can purchase a maximum of 40 wellness packs every day. This is only done in very important battles, so super soldiers can fight more often!

To learn more about the effects on your wellness take a look at this wiki page

I have some hints and tricks for you to get and maintain an high wellness.

1. The first thing you need to do when you start erepublik is to work.

2. The second thing you need to do is to train. Do this every day!
You need to do this in this order because your productivity depends on your wellness and your strength gain does not.

3. Try to get buy as high quality food as you can afford, and try to find a gifting partner, most companies are very eager to help you with gifting, if you donate your gifts to their organization most companies will offer them to you. This way you will get a great relationship with your employer and he might raise your wage more because of your high wellness.

4. Buy a house from the Gold you receive when you become level 6. You can ask on the forums what the cheapest place is to buy one. A house will definitely help you to get and maintain a high wellness.

5. When there is a war read or ask some people what the most wellness efficient way is to fight. (As I mentioned I will publish an article about this soon)

Good Luck


P.S. Thanks to Joe DaSmoe for inspiring me to write this article.