Citizen Orders, Day 928

Day 928, 22:37 Published in Israel USA by Aeroner

Hello eIsrael. I will only be your Minister of Defense for a few more hours, and then I will have to hand over control to Matanb.

I don't really know much about Matanb or his ideas and principles, but I trust that he will do a good job. It is with great sadness that I announce the last of my citizen orders:

Fight in Jerusalem District

Give them everything you got, and even if we lose, we'll go down fighting. Turkey is not just trying to take our country, they're trying to beat us into submission, to take our rights and pride and dignity. But they won't. That is untouchable. And they shall soon find out that an eIsraeli heart, is a stubborn heart. Good luck Turkey, but you can't touch us, no matter how much you try. 😉

I've loved helping defend this country. And I trust that the next MoD will do everything in his power to defend us from the Turkish menace. And even though I am no longer the MoD, I will help with the defense of Israel with all I can.

Good luck to eIsrael,