Citizen of USA ! Poland ask for help ! only several clicks :)

Day 575, 08:21 Published in USA Poland by MadHostage

Hello USA !
I'll write shortly, because I don't want to waste your time

I open this newspaper, because I want to give 5 gold (for medal of mogul) for builiding new q5 hospital in Poland. Last one, in Brandenburg was destroyed by Hungarians. If you want to help us just click SUBSCRIBE and VOTE.

There are also several another newspapers, that are taking part in this action :
1. Erzeczpospolita - 290 subscribe need
2. Wyprost - 380
3. Myśli Nieuczesane -410
4 Gazeta Wybiórcza - 430
5. Horus Paper - 560
6. The People - 580
7. Pedziwiatr - 600
8. Informator niedzielny -630
9. The News - 630
10. Mad Newspaper - 670

11. Bomba w torcie - 650
12. Battlefield News - 680
13. Erep Times - 710
14. Alternatywnie - 730
15. Plomyczek - 750

Please ! It's really important for us to do it ! We can do it together ! All gold from mogul will be transfer to our national bank