Choose Integrity over Criminality! Vote for Mia!

Day 1,608, 04:00 Published in Canada Canada by Mia Angela Carina

Good morning, eCanada. Here we are, it’s Election Day, and we’re going to find out if this “movement” is legitimate or it was all just a lot of hype, if Rolo Tahmesee and his minions in Norsefire can stave off this populist uprising, but mostly, if the people of this country can be motivated to change the direction of this country, if they have the will to at least try.

The arguments are out there for you, for and against. I’m encouraged that I wasn’t the only one in this campaign season to be in the papers, fighting for the collective Canadian soul. The massive coverage this “movement” has garnered, both in support and in criticism, was, at least from what I saw, quite a bit more than what was out there for the presidential elections two weeks ago. It should not be the case, should it? Party elections should not gain this kind of attention. Yet, here we are.

For those of you who have supported my campaign to oust Isso1980 and win the presidency of Norsefire-Redwood Originals in the hope of not only diminishing Tahmesee’s stranglehold on national politics, but to erect New Power Generation in its place, I can’t thank you enough. Many of you were in my inbox, telling me you wanted to be part of this, pledging your vote and/or moral support. My hope is, if you actively campaigned for me, you did so within the spirit of this effort, and you did so with integrity and dignity. Should I win today, I hope to repay you with hard work, dedication, a willingness to learn, and a commitment to make everything I promised bear fruit as quickly as possible. Canada isn’t voting for me just because I’m Mia or just because they want Tahmesee knocked from his pedestal, but because they want something decent in this country, they want to root for something good, that is yet unsullied, and that could potentially make a difference.

For those of you who will be voting for the incumbent and thus for Rolo, I believe there was nothing I could have done to sway you. You are entrenched. You have been in Rolo’s pocket for so long that there would have been nothing I could have said to convince you otherwise. I will not buy your vote, my soul is not for sale. While I hope you would see that as refreshing and far less cynical than what my opponents offer, the fact remains, I will not give you tanks in direct exchange for your vote. I can’t blame you for accepting the gift, at least someone is giving you something for your effort, but I do wish, should I be fortunate enough to win the day, you accept the outcome, see what it is I have to offer, and consider staying in the party and working with me to do something honorable. If you’re still only interested in seeing politics as an occasional means to 20 Q6 tanks, Tahmesee will undoubtedly welcome you in one of the other Norsefire parties, should any remain after today, and you will be able to continue the deal. I do hope you stick around, but more importantly, I hope you act in your own best interests, and that you’ve reflected on what your best interests truly are.

And for those of you who haven’t yet made up your mind on this, if you’ve thought about getting on board with this campaign and joining N-RO for the sake of voting for me but aren’t quite sure, let me offer you this:

Whether or not you’re unsure of supporting a newcomer, I truly hope you come to see me as the lesser of two evils. I hope you see Mia as someone perhaps inexperienced but full of enthusiasm and ideas, and that is more attractive to you than someone who not only has undermined the reputation of this country, who has stolen thousands of gold from the treasury (that YOUR money, folks, from your work or from the real-world money you’ve put into this game, that ended up in the treasury via taxes, and Tahmesee shameless stole from YOU), who has tried to rig the political structure at his whim, but has done so with the expressed design of killing YOUR COUNTRY. That is out-and-out laughter you see. He is laughing at YOU, my fellow Canadian. He thinks you’re completely stupid. This is the definition of treason. Any time someone steps up in either support of Tahmesee or derision of his opponents, I hope the people of this country post the link to this image over and over again, until we all get sick of looking at it. This is what Tahmesee is, laughing at the thought of Canada destroyed, relishing the thought that his plan was a success.

To quote Tahmesee himself:
“mission accomplished”
“place driven into the ground”
“Operation Beehive” ”Success”

Also, take note of everyone else who is partaking in this conversation. I hope you hold everyone who took part in this accountable for their own actions. That includes the president of Canada.

It’s not too late, my friends. This is where the worm must turn. If this “movement” is any indication, the people of Canada want immediate change, they’ve gone to the newspapers and discussed the matter. Today is the day we start taking the rhetoric and turning it into action. The stakes are just too great to sit back be passive. Truly, the corrupt powers that be have relied on your apathy, they have conspired accordingly to corrode this country from within, to drain the treasury out of planned ineptitude and outright theft, to skew the election process to keep them perpetually in power, to kill Canada’s standing in the world, and to put the country at real risk of being overrun by our enemies. That’s not hyperbole, even a noobie can see this if they look around and ask the right people the right questions.

The choice is clear. For your own sakes and for eCanada,