Cheeseheads for a Better America!

Day 1,002, 18:59 Published in USA Canada by Haliman


Just trying to get the name stuck in everybody's head 😉

My fellow Americans, Erepublikans, USWPers, and MIDWESTERNERS!

I'm running for Congress (again) in Wisconson, and this time...

See that picture right there? That is the limit.

I feel like this month, in contrast to every other month I have been playing has been my most successful.

Allow me to elaborate. I have learned more this past month than I thought possible.

I have been in contact with multiple branches in government, and have been learning the ropes of how the eUSa is managed beyond Congress.

Country Coffers

Currently, we're in a global recession. There has recently been an amendment to our budget, so before we reevaluate how to spend our money, we should see how this budget works out.

Foreign Issues?

We need to continue to rebuild our reputation as a good ally. As shown with the Romanian issue (hostile MoFA) EDEN thinks we're in it for ourselves. As shown with the Croatia ATO effort, we proved them wrong.


It's time we gave the Brolliance the publicity it deserves. We're starting new programs up, and we're looking forward to being an unstoppable force in the world of Bros and Sis 🙂

Be sure to vote for PROVEN EXPERIENCE on the 25th! Vote Haliman!
