Changing of the guard

Day 1,326, 15:06 Published in Canada Canada by Treian

Hello eCanada

I haven't written one of these in a long while, also I have not had a new avatar in, well..... forever really.

So this is what I'm proposing, I want YOUR help in choosing an avatar that will become "Treian" for the next little while. While I know there will be some people who will take this opportunity to crack a joke at my expense, and I don't mind that, some will take it seriously and give me some help here.

SO, post up in the comments or in a PM to me a link to a picture that you want me to sport as my new avatar, and write a little blerb about why you think it suits me.
(Jokes welcome, it's good to laugh)
Also vote this article up so that other eCanadians can participate, if they so desire.

Once activity slows down I'll post up another article with the 5-10 best pictures (numbers will be based on participation) and then I'll let you all vote for your fave one. One vote per citizen!!!!!

You can see my current one, and a "keep the same one" will be an option.

Okay eCanada show me what you've got!!

eCanadian Knight