Change - Unequal Bazooka Parts!

Day 1,372, 09:53 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Max Blue

This is not a demand but a request to the Admin team who manage this game and make a profit from it. Please make the game fairer and give new players more incentive to stay.

As many of you know stocks, barrels and trigger kit are much more common than the rare pieces: rockets and scopes.

Please let us receive all the parts in equal proportions so that it is fair and we do not end up storing more of one part and less of another.

Also please differentiate between people so that the Bazookas can be obtained by people who have less strength so that the Bazookas become more useful to the general population.

Idea: a newbie can receive more bazookas and therefore get better rank as compared to a strong soldier who can use tanks (Q5's) in battle.

To conclude:

1. Please let us receive all Bazooka parts equally.

2. Differentiate between soldiers in terms of time playing so new players get more Bazookas.

Please keep a benchmark for the earning of Bazookas and then apply these bonuses for different length of game play.

Between 0 - 2 months played ~ 50% More Bazookas
Between 2 - 3 months played ~ 40% More Bazookas
Between 3 - 4 months played ~ 30% More Bazookas
Between 4 - 5 months played ~ 20% More Bazookas
Over 5 months played ~ 10% More Bazookas

This is not a call for limiting wellness packs as it is clear you are unwilling to do that, but please improve the game for the people who loyally play it.

Please shout about this

Change - Unequal Bazooka Parts:

Thank you for reading.

~ UK's finest