Champinator for CP!!!

Day 976, 20:33 Published in South Africa USA by Champinator

Hello my fellow eSouth Africans. I am Champinator, and I am here to tell you about a great person, Champinator. That would be me. I plan on running for Country President this coming elections, and I want you all to know that. I also want you guys to know why you should vote for me. I’m awesome. But really there is more to “I’m awesome.” Here in this lengthy article you will be getting a brief autobiography and then a medium sized peek at my plans for when/if I become Country President. So here we go; fasten your seatbelts and hold on tight…

Brief Autobiography:

Well I started this game on Day 627 in Ohio, USA. I came with Travis Granger and his “army of 300” as Emerick put it. Well I quickly found out that I needed a hospital if I wanted to fight so I moved to Florida. The situation quickly turned for the worse. By the time I left, Maryland was about to fall and Florida was soon to follow. So I moved to eSouth Africa, again with Travis. Here awaited me a bright future full of potential. I quickly latched onto that potential and ran for congress as soon as I could. I got in and followed that up 5 more terms, 6 in total. During my time in Congress, I gained knowledge exponentially. Everyday I learned something new, including great people. In this new country, I joined the Associates of General Wellness, or the AGW as everyone called it. Later the party name was changed to the Naturalist Party of South Africa, or NPSA. Throughout my almost one whole year, I have been Party President twice, Ambassador to South Korea, Canada, Japan, and Spain, Currently I am Ambassador to the USA and Venezuela. This past term in Congress, I became Deputy Speaker of Congress. I am also a soldier in the Praetorian Guard and a member of the Economic Council. Throughout this year and these positions, I have learned a lot about eSA and her people. I have learned what she needs and what needs to be done to move on towards a prosperous future for everyone under her Republic. So now let me lay down a plan, a yellow brick road, to achieve greatness.



Oh the dreadful word, economy. Not many people enjoy it. Not many people fully understand it. Luckily, I’m not like many people. 😛 I like to believe that I know the economy pretty well, or at least KNEW. See the thing is, V2 sorta screwed everything up and now the economy is a little bit messed up. Now if you were a part of the people that actually knew some things about the economy, you don’t anymore. But there is even a fewer amount of people still that know a good deal about the economy and it is those people that I plan on having onboard to keep our country in good economic condition. Hopefully we will end up with a well balanced market (harvester/manu) and a more valuable ZAR.


V2 brings some new beginnings for the military. IRC coordinated attacks will be the main thoroughfare and the military will need to be restructured so that we can accompany all our soldiers. I am aware that there is a current process right now to restructure but I haven’t heard how it is being done and how soon till it will be done. If it is not done by the time I am CP or if I become CP then my plans for the restructuring would be to have units based on time zones. People would be put together in platoons with other people who are in the same time zone. Then these platoons would be put together in companies based on general vicinity, time zone-wise. If people are in the same time zone then they will be able to communicate better and be able to find times to coordinate attacks. Another thing I want to do is increase recruiting. As I look at the Praetorian Guard roster I see many open positions. We got people. We just need to get info out and encourage them to join some branch of the military.


As always we need people. We need them more than ever right now after loosing many great people. Therefore, I plan on implementing the Ministry of Tourism again. I believe that this ministry will be needed to encourage people to join eSA and come see what we are all about. I also plan on spending more focus on the Department of Education. Again with the loss of many veterans, it is up to the newer citizens of eSA to become future leader and in order to be a future leader, you have to be well educated. So that’s two major areas I plan to put some time into to improve and revitalize.


I plan on having a very excellent cabinet this term. It will be very sturdy and well made of the highest quality materials. I’m not technologically inclined enough to make a fancy document that you can apply with so just PM me with an application stating what position you want, previous positions you have had, and why you believe you should get this position. I plan on picking people that will be very hardworking, dedicated, educated, experienced, and best suited for they’re job. I am taking the best of the crop.

In Conclusion:

Well that is all I have for now. My timeline is pretty short since I leave for vacation tomorrow morning. If you have any questions please PM me and I’ll try very hard to get internet access while on vacation so I can answer them. In addition, when my opponent releases his platform there will be a link here so you can view it. I wish to have a fair race, so vote this and his platforms up so everyone will see them, read them, and make the right choice on Election Day. Moreover, be on the lookout for maybe another article or two that will delve deeper into my plan and answer your guys’ questions.

EDIT 1: When applying for a Ministerial position, please put a second choice as well. Thank you.

Good luck to Grimstone: A link his platform will be here when he finally gets it up. And there will definitely be another article up to explain my plans for after the PTO.