Central Hungary eRepublik Battle Statistics

Day 1,172, 07:53 Published in Poland Poland by wuzeq

As we can't see eRepublik Battle Statistics for both sides in eRep without changing country here you have it in one place (click on image to enlarge):

eRepublik Battle Statistics:

And on the basis of eRepublik MaxiHellas Best Fighters per Day - All Countries (Date: 2011-02-03) I made short calculations. The summarized influence and gold spend for 100 fighters with biggest influence regarding the citizenship.
And lower the same but for 100 best Hungarian and 100 best Romanian fighters.

100 best fighters in day 03 feb by citizenships:

Remember that because of lack of API support from eRepublik these are not stats from this battle but from whole day (but still we can assume that most influence went on Central Hungary) and citizenships may vary currently (they were taken today from Maxihellas)

Thanks for DamianosX89 for screenshots for Romania side.