Celebrations are in order

Day 490, 17:29 Published in South Africa Brazil by Piotr Pardaalski

From a person who had little faith in an united eRepublik, I must say I am impressed.

The TO that a group of brazilian individuals tried to impose over the sovereign eSA is, as of now, a spin-off. The vast majority of brazilians has returned home; the overall bulk of the plan was exposed. The South Africans have shown intelligence and unity. Congratulations.

Ah! And some luck as well! Apparently there is a TO attempt currently running on eBrazil, so the tide has turned!

But that is not why I have created this article. Not only. I come forward to propose myself as a candidate. No matter how strange, or deliberately stupid it may seem.

I have strong faith (and in part thanks to you) that these elections are going to be clean, cleaner than in many other places. I only ask for the benefit of doubt. Before anyone asks, I am brazilian. And proud of it. But that does not make me a conspirator.

Look for my name throughout the history of this game. The media, the text logs, whatever means you can find. What will you find? A conspirator? A TO supporter? A rabid, prejudicial nationalist? Three times no.
My manifestations in both international and brazilian local media have always been against takeover by ANY nation, and my name cannot be found ANYWHERE linked to this sad episode. If you want at least some hint on the average brazilian's opinion, look for the man named Cavalcanti. The President of eBrazil, always manifesting the inconformity of the government with this plan.

Some may say, I'm just trying to save my ass. May I remind those of the dangers of prejudice. My name, I repeat, is nowhere amongst suspicious records. Again, I only ask for the benefit of doubt.

Now, on the reasons on voting me:
1) I have been intensely active in this game every single day since I joined.
2) I have accompanied brazilian, international, and now also South African politics on an hourly basis, and I believe I can contribute in a fairly-built government.
3) As said before, my name is impecably clean. I have nothing to hide. By the way; I am open to any questions.
4) I have faith that my help here coul be useful. I deeply trust the democratic principles that eRepublik stands for, and I would work very hard for the benefit of this land.

If any (unjustified) doubt remains over my character, feel free to ask all around eBrazil for anyone who can pinpoint me as corrupt or untrustworthy.

Sincerely, and hoping for nothing more than a fair judgment,
Piotr Pardaalski