Catastrophic new bill in Congress for eCanadian Local Industries

Day 525, 05:32 Published in Canada Canada by Samuel de Champlain

Catastrophic new bill in Congress for eCanadian Local Industries

A catastrophic new tax on HOUSES have been proposed by congressman Ralph de Ver.

After lumberjack players suffering the rejection of a new tax on imported wood, wich economic sector is triving to survive, congressman Ralph de Ver demonstrate here that he knows absolutly nothing about business and economy.

This short-term seeing man have propose to reduce IMPORT TAX from 40% to 20% on HOUSES.

eCanadian houses market is currently very well delivered by 6 local companies, plus the Ministry of Industries. This new tax will just kill any profitability in the housing industry, by flooding market with cheap low quality houses.

We have to recall that our local HOUSES companies are allowing hundreds of eCanadian workers to get a job and decent wage.

Look like once again, bureaucracy and politics will destroy entrepreneurs efforts to create wealth within eCanada border, and trow a bunch of hard worker on employment insurance.

What a sad day for our economy.

New World Order Media.
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