cas3 for West Midlands

Day 976, 10:39 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by cas3

On the 25th of July I will be running for congress in the West Midlands. And this is my manifesto to outline why I believe I would make the best candidate.

I am a relatively new player, yet since joining the PCP I have been very active in the party, and now wish to extend my function to serving the people of this country in congress. I may lack experience in government, but I more than make up for it in my enthusiasm and my ability to learn quickly and adapt to new situations, and it is strengths like these which make me believe I would be a good congressman for our country.

Pragmatism not promises. I don't believe in making promises like some candidates do, ie. I will do this, I will vote for this etc. Instead of this I wish to assure you that I will take each decision as it comes, and will make those decisions with the interests of the people in mind. I will always make any proposals or decisions based on what is best for you, and the country.

I believe strongly in direct democracy. I wish to work for the people, and I believe that when neccessary, referenda should be used in order to vote based on the wishes of the people. Of course I would not ask the people to make every decision, as that is why we have elected representatives. Yet I think with some issues it is best to put the vote into the hands of the constituents, and so I would look to consult them should such a situation that requires it arise. As well as this I wish to ensure you that I will always be there to listen to the concerns of my constituents and to take every voice into consideration, regardless of political affiliation.

As a congressman it would be a part of my duty to work towards improving player retention in my constituency, and in this respect I will of course endevour to help out new players. Whether it is pointing them towards informative articles or the brilliant schemes we have in this country such as the TUP food programme or the PCP communes.

Just to finish off, a little bit about me personally. I have just completed my degree in International Relations and although you can't apply politics etc. rigidly to eRep; I believe that some of the knowledge and skills learnt are still transferable, and will aid me as a congressman to make the important decisions that need to be made in this country. As a person I am very hardworking and I am very active in eRep, and will endevour to be active every day and make every vote.

Thanks for reading, and remember to vote cas3 for the West Midlands.