Carr de Vaux's promises to you as Vice President of Nagyzee government.

Day 744, 05:00 Published in Malaysia New Zealand by Carr De Vaux

Dear friends and eMalaysians,

Two days ago, I expressed my desire to have an opportunity to lead this nation. I expressed my desire to see visionary leaders who both satisfied the aspiration of its people, as well as providing the political will and vision to bring to the table realistic and attainable goals. Noting my inexperience at governance as well as my possible two weeks absence due to RL travel, i humbly offered myself as a candidate of Vice-President to you, eMalaysia. Naturally, I talked to two persons whom I personally think most fit my idea of a mentor and able president - Nagyzee and Vikta, with both are bringing different strengths to the table. Nagyzee is wise, experienced, competent and knowledgable in both game mechanics and international affairs. Vikta is very active, RL malaysian, equally as experienced and influential.

Therefore, I am truly glad and humbled by Nagyzee's selection of me as his running mate. Both of us recognised the need for strong leadership at these critical times. We have observed how real external threats can be in the past couple of months - with first monetary attacks and RWs of Alfragrem, then the escalation and eventual invasion of eIndonesia. Many parts of the government machinery and systems sort of went inactive or dysfunctional despite the growth in mid-ranked leaders and active citizens. With the changing international political landscape and potential turbulent times ahead, we need strong and able leaders - not populist, not your best friends and certainly not necessarily not your referral links.

I think many of you had enough of my rhetorics, but this article is not about just words and rhetoric. Being integral part of the government - I want to make changes and impact. Otherwise, i would rather not run (if it is just for a position). Take my following election promises as goals, both lofty and realistic goals - that i wish to achieve within the next 30 days. With Nagyzee's guidance, I am sure they are attainable. Naturally, these goals are within Nagyzee's direction and will be further refined upon discussion between the cabinet ministers.

Carr de Vaux's promises to you as Vice President of Nagyzee government.

Communication: Information and Propaganda
One of my main criticisms of the past governments has been on the lack of communication between the government to the congress and the nation as a whole. As your Vice-President, I will work closely with Nagyzee and each ministers - to collate and disseminate the necessary information to you. I promise that the Vice-President Office will stretch itself to be the informal Ministry of Information and Propaganda - such that - you my fellow eMalaysians - will receive at least a government update every two days. Propaganda you say. Yes propaganda. The nature of eRep means we need propaganda to rally our population, influence our friends and foes as well as to attract expatriates and citizens from other nations.

Foreign Affairs and eMalaysia sovereignity
I am proud of eMalaysia's stand as a truly neutral nation and staunch member of Sol alliance in the past month. Despite risking losing everything to eIndo invasion or being taunted by the leaders of the largest nations - we steadfastly guarded our neutrality and non-aggression. With Nagyzee's ablely coordinating the developing our role within the Sol alliance, i on the personal side - would like to see an improved relationship with all non-Sol Asia-Pacific neighbours of us. Of course, this would begin with our immediate neighbour - eIndonesia. I promise that within the next 30 days, i will do my best to bring our two nations together - and for us to realise that there are more to gain for both nations, being at peace and friends.

Intel Special Branch
****************disensor************* ******censored****************cenzúrázta k***************** PM for more info.

Economy and Military
These are two areas that I wish to learn more in regards to the governance and leadership. While in general, i am happy with the state of our nation economy - i believe currently there are insufficient guidance and education to potential company owners and investors in eMalaysia. Like what Thingol have nicely set up for eThai - i hope within the next 30 days - we can add this crucial module to the education curriculums.

Military. Our experience with real threats in recent weeks have shown two things. Firstly - we can further improve in terms of logistic and chain of command - in particular within the army (not citizen militia). Secondly, we lack of 2nd-tier military commanders that can be trusted with weapon distribution, irc coordination and tanking instructions. Our military platoons and its organisation have not shown any impact in the recent war (apart from the omnicorp group). In such, this area needed further work - and as your VP, i will actively encourage and facilitate meetings between the military commanders, as well as delegating more authority to these individuals.

Social Office & Social Affairs
Our current social office is working reasonably well - thanks to some competent Social Ministry leaders. However, relating back to my very first promise - I will ensure there are a little more transparency within our Social Office.

As many of you know - i am very passionate about setting up an Education system that would cater for our newbies as well as our mid-level citizens. Traditionally, we do not have excellent retention rate - and some of our more experienced/successful citizens are currently expartiates from elsewhere. Realistically, in the next 30 days, as your VP - education development would not be a priority as i wish to improve the government machinery, communication, procedures as well as achieving some of the goals stated above. However, presuming I win your trust and support in the next 30 days- Education will be one of the cornerstone of my presidential term in Jan 2010. A reminder of my vision for our education system. The forum space is underdevelopment while SetsunaX did a great job in preparing the basic survival guide for newbies in both English and Malay.

Best regards,

Carr De Vaux
DAP Vice-Presidential Candidate - Dec 2009
DAP Congressman of Penisular Malaysia Oct-Dec 2009
Editor-in-chief of Chronicles of Democracy - Viva

ps: My resume is available at request. Please kindly PM. 😃

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