Carmen Polo´s Goodbye

Day 918, 07:27 Published in Czech Republic Czech Republic by Red Duck

Dear citizens, friends.
Many of you have seen that my citizen account has been banned for multi-accounting. I won’t go into detail in defending myself, except to say that the admins have got this wrong.

Nonetheless, now is probably a good moment to exit the eRepublik stage. I’ve had a good run here, been a significant character in the Czech scene for more months than I can remember, and I’ve really enjoyed getting to know you, sparring you, even battling with Slovakian Trolls has had its endearing moments. Even if I get unbanned, I’d have to start from scratch rebuilding my friends list, etc. So really I think this is the right time to leave and devote more time to RL.

I wish you all the best for the future, and I am happy to know that my citizen died with the avatar “Independent Czech Republic” on it.

All the best, Carmen.