Caoimhin MacFie for Congress (Yorkshire & Humberside)

Day 610, 08:05 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Caoimhin MacFie

Greetings fair citizens of Yorkshire & Humberside

My name is Caoimhin MacFie, and for those of you who don't know me, I am a 3-term member of Congress from Scotland. However, due to the lack of Scotlands in the UK this month, I am looking to return to Congress with your support.

Why should you vote for me? Simple!

3 terms in Congress may not seem like a long time, but in eRep, it's an eternity. Keep in mind that three months agao, we were members of a stable ATLANTIS. Now, we've joined PEACE GC and need experienced leaders in Congress to see us through the transition. In addition, Trusted congressmen such as myself will become vital with the upcoming implementation of citizenship!

While Scotland's MP, I always put Scotland's interests first. I will certainly not hesitate to do the same for Yorkshire & Humberside. I show loyalty to our allies (up until they threaten war upon us, that is). But most of all, I am loyal to the eUnited Kingdom and will do everything in my power to protect her interests and rights as a sovereign nation in the New World!

So Yorkshire, on Saturday, it would be my honour if you would elect me back to Congress not only for my 4th term, but for my 1st term as Yorkshire & Humberside's representative!


Caoimhin MacFie