Canadian Progressive Front Party President Running Funtimes Full Stop

Day 1,753, 10:16 Published in Canada Czech Republic by milestailsprower
TL😉R I get sentimental over how much I loved doing political stuff back then and then talk a lot about how I want an awesome free market, how I think that in politics I should give the benefit of the doubt and not give up on trying to get seemingly impossible results, and how things party-wise are pretty chill overall and we just gotta keep on trucking. Not a very exciting or even specific platform, but I'm trying to get back into this and would like you to ask me what you want to know about me. For serious. Make me cry and squeeze me for details.

Unorganized rant ahead. Be prepared.

Hi guys,

It's almost on a whim that I'm doing this, though rather, I just want to get back into politics and am not quite sure what the best way to do that is. Best to get my feet wet I suppose. It's fun grinding and becoming some hard war vet, but I miss some of the more (for me anyway) engaging aspects of this game. With that, I'm running for party president of this p cool party that doesn't afraid of anything.

---(You can skip the boring background if you like, but then you get no brownie points in my book. Of magic.)---

I've been a pretty quiet guy ever since I moved to Canada, albeit one time I tried running for Congress, so let me give my long ass eBiography. I'm Tails, and I grew up in the eUnited States back when hospitals still mattered and we had those really old alliances I can barely remember the name of (Atlantis and PeaceGC I think). The US got pushed down to Florida and California and the whole wall system was there for fighting and it was funtimes. I tried to be helpful and run for Congress and all, but people didn't figure me to be too experienced. Meanwhile in real life, I was an excited, kinda naive, and free spirited teenager who wanted to get involved in the good political stuff.

A friend in the USA had moved to Slovakia and suggested I come along for the ride. At the time, Slovakia was suspect to PTOs from Hungary and all, and they needed some more congressmen and/or blockers. I lived there for about a year of my eRepublik life and wrote lots of articles and was generally well liked among those who could speak English. I served Congress there 10 times and was ambassador to America, Canada, South Korea, and New Zealand. I saw Czechoslovakia become a thing again, and then unmerge, and then merged again. I saw my article in America somehow get really popular when I asked for support to help against a PTO. It was an enthralling experience for me.

And then things died down and I retired to become something of a "two-clicker" around here. I rolled with what Canada threw and just chilled. My friends in Slovakia still hold a place in my heart, which means some of you guys are probably already looking at me suspiciously as a Polish sympathizer, as Slovakia and Poland have always been close and whatnot. But enough of that.

---(Okay you're back to what you were probably here for. Have fun and play nice. Floss your teeth once a day.)---

Can I be honest? It's been too long. The current events seem to be everything sucks and Canada is getting it's butt wrecked. Beyond that, it'll take me a little time to adjust to all the other minutia and nuances of the geopolitical landscape, but I'm definitely excited to learn it all. In the past, I've always encouraged people to ask me what I think on certain issues, which only ever got mild feedback, and usually only ever from trolls from Hungary or whatnot.

But I think you guys should go into the comments and ask me what I think of stuff. It'll be fun, engaging, and an enlightening experience for me I think. In the meantime, I can give you some of my broad beliefs and ways of thinking or whatnot. After that, you can tear into how vague or stupid I am and I can respond to you with pretty pony pictures.

Super Saiyan Idealism
So this pretty much describes my approach to everything.

Everyone in Slovakia was always very practical in their approaches to their political endeavors. Gotta be all formal and crap. Snorrreeeee. "Well we have so and so many people and Hungary looks poised to PTO us with so and so many people and now they've even publicly stated they want to kill us blah. We're screwed." My response was all "Hi American president! You wanna upvote my article that's relevant to both of our countries?! Also maybe help us not to die from Hungary? ;A;" and then having him shout it because PigInZen was an awesome eAmerican president. That was the pinnacle of my ambassador career really, being able to secure a subsidized MPP with both America and Canada, even when no one in Congress or the Foreign Affairs department thought this was possible.

I still believe in that kinda mentality. We're supposed to be a progressive party yeah? So let's take everything on and be the zealous advocate for our beliefs. Canada can get better. What about our government? As long as we stand for the right ideas, even if they are unrealistic and a bit far-fetched, who can stand in our way? Who can accuse us of double-talk or underhanded dirty politics? Positive politics best politics man. Don't be hating. Heck, let's talk to Poland and be real nice about getting our land back. I'm not kidding. I'd like to see that become a thing. I'd like to see our party be a shining beacon of kindness and openness, with a keen sense of diplomacy.

Hey, if no one wants to talk to Poland on principle and we all just keep fighting, I'll be the one to talk to them. It can't hurt, and maybe you think it's a waste of time. I think it's a nice gesture. I think both governments could appreciate some sort of reconciliation, as well as the person who tries to foster the sentiment. Even if they look down on that person condescendingly and snicker about him a little, they'll still like the guy I think.

As for other things, I like to remain optimistic as well. Don't worry about all the gold sinks the admins keep pushing, we can still have a free market! Are there tariffs that seem to be kinda lame? Punch them in the face! Or at least try.

Oh wow this rant has gotten long.
Ask me crap because I'm not sure what else to say.

Just a normal dude.