Canadian Empire Party Platform

Day 431, 11:02 Published in Canada Canada by Bruck



1. The Military

The CEP will see that the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) become a strong and more recognized military organization while maintaining activity within its membership with continual programs and organized experienced leadership. The CEP has the experience that is required to run an organization such the CAF and knows exactly what the CAF needs to be an effective fighting force. The following are CEP's primary endeavours when we are elected for presidency:

A. Encourage all Canadians to enlist and train as CAF Canadian Regulars for deployment with full government-issued supplies when called upon or as National Reserves to support deployed Regulars and help defend Canadian soil in emergencies. This will help ensure consistency and growth in Canada's Military.

B. Continue to have the Minister of Defense (MoD) act as administrative supply officer for the CAF and work with the General to supply the CAF as is deemed effective. The CEP believes that a well laid out, top-down chain of command is essential to alliviate bottlenecks in the transfer of supplies and ensure that our soldiers are looked after while they protect our nation.

C. Establish a training academy to train recruits at all levels of the CAF. New recruits will gain experience and knowledge into how the CAF operates and how they should go about requesting supplies, who their platoon commander is and how to fight. This will not only improve the quality of soldiers but also increase interest and activity in new members.

E. Outfit critical Canadian regions with the highest quality affordable defense systems to ensure the security of our county and our citizens. With these new defense systems, these regions will be more formidable defensive strongholds. The CEP refuses to waste valuable Canadian dollars (CAD) on costly, low quality defense systems in less critical regions.

F. Negotiate with our allies in ATLANTIS for mutual training exersizes and experience in organizing the CAF for mobilization. This will affirm successes of the training academy will be and allow the CAF to troubleshoot areas of concern.

G. Institute an elite CAF unit of our highest ranked and strongest soldiers to be supplied more often then regular CAF and Reserves. If managed by the CEP, the CAF and citizens of Canada can rest assured that more damage will be inflicted by our forces than ever before.


1. Taxes

A. Review taxes and discourage Canadian businesses against foreign imports.

B. Encourage Canadian businesses to export to our allies in ATLANTIS and neutral nations.

C. Raise the VAT tax to 10% to increase the value of the CAD by removing it from the market.

2. Immigration

A. Continue the Immigration Program and provide means to effectively communicate around the world.

B. Encourage citizens to volunteer their time to the Minister of Immigration in recruiting. This will help integrate all new immigrants into society.


1. Reallocate healthcare funding to critical regions since it is essential that the CAF soldiers operate out of regions with high quality hospitals. The CEP refuses to waste valuable CAD on costly, low quality hospitals in less critical regions.

2. Restructure gifting to concentrate on CAF members, including Reserves, during times of war and preparation thereof. This will ensure the CAF's soldiers will be their wellest and allow proper execution of military orders.


1. Commit to cooperating with our allies, militarily, economically and through media support.

2. Continue to aid our allies in military conflict at home and abroad.

3. Encourage trade of some products to ATLANTIS members and neutral nations.

4. Continue to promote eCanada as a world power by helping to set ATLANTIS protocol and diplomacy in world affairs.

With your vote, Canada can stake claim as a world power in the New World.

Thank you for considering the CEP. We look forward to your vote on election day.