Canadian Congressman, Err Fox

Day 1,554, 10:28 Published in Canada Czech Republic by milestailsprower

Well it's been forever and I don't know who actually still reads this old thing, but I have an important announcement.

I'm running for Congress.

I've been keeping tabs on eCanada from the sidelines and now feel like delving back into the swing of things. For those who don't know, I was born just over 3 years ago in eAmerica, so I've seen quite a few historical things. Atlantis and Peace GC alliances? America almost dying? That was pretty dark.

At some point I moved to Slovakia of all places to get into politics and ended up staying for a long time there. I served in Congress 10 times and was a hella balling ambassador (or so I like to think). We merged, unmerged, and remerged into Czechoslovakia, and at some point, I didn't support the state anymore, so I left (but I still love all my friends there! 😮).

So I moved into Canada, settled down a bit, and led a pretty quiet life. However, I miss being able to have interesting debates with people and all that jazz. I miss being able to write articles expressing my intense dislike for large events and congressional maneuvers. I miss being able to casually role-play as a hyper active fox kid idealist and yell at more people. I miss Ghostbiker's [redacted] pickles and [redacted] this makes a ton of sense all this sentimentalist thought oh noesssss.

Idunnolol. U can haz dancing poni.

At any rate, I'm running for Congress. I'm running under the Military Dictatorship Party for the Canadian Progressive Front in New Brunswick. I have a pretty simple platform really.

Don't Die; Kill Enemiez
Undoubtedly exteremely important. In fact seeing as this game has morphed into just war all day every day, pretty darn important. Let's all punch people in the face, then shoot their face, rinse and repeat yada yada.

Don't Screw With The Currency
Let's not cause massive inflation, and try to keep our exchange rate on our stupid gold standard as consistent as possible. I still like economics and if there's else besides war that I can care about, it's moneys. Granted, this game keeps adding new crap in that messes with everything but pfft. I guess the game needs more gold sinks for all the people buying gold. Otherwise the value of gold would devalue due to inflation and we'd be pretty sad I guess.



Let's not screw up currency as best as we can. Our currency may be devaluing everyday and everyone just gets hella gold and inflation is stoopoopiid, but let's set a peg and attempt to keep things straight.

Don't Mess With Our Bros
Why don't we go backstab everyone we love? How about not?

Taxes and Fun Except It's Not Fun
Well back in my days in Slovakia, we were a small country and other countries could legit do product dumping, so we always adjusted our import taxes in a way that we tried not to be jerk-face mercantilists.

Our taxes are okay...for now.

And with that, I'm done with this article for now. I am a little apprehensive and nervous about going into real peoplez society again, but hit me with your best shot. Bring it on Canada.

Prower Power! (oh gosh I never realized how cheesy this catchphrase was)