Canadian Congress - March 2010

Day 829, 12:45 Published in Canada Canada by Tyler F Durden

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The Canadian Congress for the term of
February 25th 2010 - March 25th, 2010.



1ronman - DAL

Gofarman - CPF


British Columbia

Artorius Perim - DAL

NikolaiJ - CSD



zblewski - CSD

Green Hawk - PRS



LJSilver - DAL

TaiwanPanda - CPF


New Brunswick

The_Clap - CNC

CrowdedHouse - CNC


Newfoundland and Labrador

Nic007 - UN

BrennanMacKay - DAL


Northwest Territories

Christopher True - UN

Patar333 - CPF


Nova Scotia

Will Hall - NARC

Wolfgang III - DAL



MichaelDowning - CEP

Alexisoccer5 - UN



Citizen B - DAL

Spencer Magee - CPF


Prince Edward Island

Tyler F Durden - CPF

Manson Tai - CSD



pandobox - UN

Fox Blutch - UN



R3dGr33n - CSD

Lukasz Ejerson - CPF



James Wiens - CSD

Vanquizor - CPF


Wild Card Congressmen


Saya Innsbruck - CSD
Addy Lawrence - CPF
Treian - CNC


Nosyt - CSD
PimpDollaz - CPF
Alias Vision - CNC
Dr.Pain - DAL
Greg McNeish - CNC


Bobby Ross - CPF
Tim Young - DAL
jfstpierre - CPP
Christian Doe - CSD


This could be anybody who was involved in
SVT (Strategic Voting Teams).
It is always a 'ride' working the elections!

Tyler's Take

The only thing really exciting about these elections was the involvement of a new Party -
The Union Nationale. There was a lot of hype about what kind of impact they would have on the other 4 Parties electoral process.

One thing is clear - Nobody will win a seat outright in Quebec unless they are in the UN. Wild-cards, sure. The UN came out strong on election day but they tipped their hand far too early - rookie mistake which I assume they won't be making again. The UN used the strategy of dumping predetermined votes right off the bat into the regions they were intent on winning. Omega1759 ran in the region I have 5 straight victories in - PEI, and ran an ad asking people to vote for him just to keep me out of Congress. He did not receive a single vote, proving yet again that negative ad campaigning does not work. It was an attempt to get the CPF to pour votes into PEI to secure my seat based on my own perception of the amount of voters who for reasons of their own would waste their vote by casting it against me... but what they don't know is that I run in PEI as a strategy of my own - I am not gonna go and smash my computer in a fit of rage if I don't get elected to argue with a bunch of bleeding heart n00bs, arrogant pricks like myself or ancient oracles. Besides, half of those elected will never show up to a single debate. That is customary however - so don't get your panties in a bunch screaming about a crisis in democracy, it's just how it works...

The DAL did what the DAL does - get a respectable number of seats for a Top 5 Party - despite having 600+ potential votes. The word is out now and is old news...



The CSD - Augustus Baldwin's favourite Party to Parody for holding real life values 'near & dear' in a game which they cannot be applied also showed improvement in their elections showing. The oldest Top 5 Party in Canada, the CSD stands for the principles of socialism and democracy and peace and harmony and democracy and principles and, and...*trails off to sleep.*

The CNC did as well as they usually do. They stand for being the only Party to be in when no other Parties exist after occupation. They ran more sponsored non Top 5 candidates than anyone else - and it hurt them. Split their 2-clicker vote it did. End of story. Can't be everything to everybody and still stand for something to your own membership. In a day where Party nominations for CP mean nothing to 2-clickers anymore because of National Goals, the CNC is the last to learn this - and it will cost them their voice in Congress.

The CPP...oops, sorry...they stand for getting back into the Top 5.

The CPF did pretty good all things being considered. They stand for kickin' ass and mispronouncing names. After I decided to not run for a 6th consecutive Party Presidency because I had done everything that a politician could except run for CP, Acacia Mason bravely stepped forward to run in my stead. He won with typical CPF leadership percentages but the CPF quickly turned into Dante's Inferno.

Artist's Depiction Below

I had left on a 5,750 km road trip that saw me put up
479 kms a day on the old Mercedes from Feb 10th until the 23rd.
The CPF took this time to grow into itself in a new era.

Five days in and Acacia Mason had resigned the leadership to a 2-clicker immigrant, the Prime Minister was the Party President of CHAOS (aptly so) and Congress was screaming for PimpDollaz's head as Speaker - okay, just Rylde was screaming...then everyone else who had an axe to grind against the CPF climbed on board to take a stab at the Governing Party.

Fast forward - the CPF takes home 10 seats - the most of any Party once again. Acacia Mason has returned home to the Family and so has jbdivinus. All are happy again - and if they are not I'll bitch slap them til they are, just like the old days... The CPF is by FAR the most difficult Party to lead. Any leader has to have a strong business mind to manage the CPF Corporate Empire, a strong military mind to Command the Praetors and a strong Political mind to win at Congress and elsewhere...

And that's the way I saw it folks. Please take a moment to troll below and spew your thoughts.

Thank you.